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27 Nov 2018, 9:00 am by Tamara Carmichael
Olshan Advertising partner Tamara Carmichael was quoted in a Corporate Counsel article on the FTC’s recent settlement with two Georgia companies in connection with their promotion of a new insect repellent during the 2016 Zika virus outbreak Read More › Tags: Digital Media, False Advertising, FTC, Social Media, Social Media Marketing [read post]
19 Jan 2016, 9:00 am
Tamara Carmichael co-authored the U.S. portion of the article entitled “Supreme People’s Court is Evolving Attitude to letters of Consent. [read post]
4 Mar 2016, 4:19 am by Edward Smith
Tamara Rosa was driving along Walnut Avenue (near Marconi) in Carmichael. [read post]
28 Jan 2021, 9:00 am by Andrew B. Lustigman
Olshan Advertising attorneys Andrew Lustigman, Scott Shaffer, Tamara Carmichael, Mary Grieco and Morgan Spina presented a webinar for the Consumer Protection Monthly Update hosted by the American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section. [read post]
6 Jun 2018, 9:00 am by Andrew B. Lustigman
Olshan Advertising attorneys Andrew Lustigman, Safia Anand, Tamara Carmichael, Claudia Dubón, Katelyn Patton, and Morgan Spina will give a telephonic presentation for the Consumer Protection Monthly Update on June 18, 2018, hosted by the American Bar Association. [read post]
9 Dec 2020, 9:00 am by Andrew B. Lustigman
Olshan Advertising partners Andrew Lustigman and Scott Shaffer, along with Olshan Intellectual Property partners Tamara Carmichael and Mary Grieco—all of whom are members of Olshan’s Brand Management & Protection Practice Group—will present a webinar entitled “Marketing in the COVID-19 Era” for the Bronx Third Avenue Business Improvement District on December 16 at 9am. [read post]