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4 Feb 2015, 1:12 pm
That's the question posed by Ohio attorney Tami Kamin Meyer whose article by the title above that you can read here.GoodReader and Dropbox are obviously on the list, along with some others that make it an interesting read and worth your time.Ron Burdgewww.TheLawCoach.comHelping Lawyers Helping Clients [read post]
4 Feb 2015, 1:12 pm
That's the question posed by Ohio attorney Tami Kamin Meyer whose article by the title above that you can read here.GoodReader and Dropbox are obviously on the list, along with some others that make it an interesting read and worth your time.Ron Burdgewww.TheLawCoach.comHelping Lawyers Helping Clients [read post]
3 Dec 2015, 6:30 am
Author Tami Kamin Meyer, is an Ohio attorney and writer whose byline has appeared in countless publications such as Better Homes and Gardens, The ABA Small and Solo Practitioner newsletter, The National Trial Lawyers magazine and web site, Ohio Lawyers Weekly, Ohio Lawyer and Plaintiff Magazine. [read post]
4 May 2011, 4:52 am (John Tredennick) E-Discovery Traffic Control – Merging on the Litigation Superhighway - (Dennis Kiker) Employer Restrictions on Social Media Use May Be Subject to Lawsuits - (PR Web) Facebook's Impact on Compliance Codes - (Ryan McConnell, Katharine Southard) Facebook Must Produce — Not Merely “Provide Access” — to ESI in Native Formats -… [read post]