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8 Dec 2008, 12:15 pm
In Rochester the Appellate Division, Fourth Department, held that PERB abused its discretion when it decided that the City of Rochester committed an improper employer practice in violation of Civil Service Law §209-a(1)(a) (The Taylor Law) by denying city police officers, who were union members, access to union representation during a criminal investigation interview.The Fourth Department said that "PERB abused its discretion in expanding a public employee's rights to… [read post]
19 Nov 2023, 1:45 pm by Joel R. Brandes
The  International Child Abduction Remedies Act (ICARA), establishes procedures for requesting return of a child wrongfully removed to or retained in the United States. 22 U.S.C. [read post]
13 Nov 2019, 2:40 am by Matrix Legal Support Service
Its leader, Charles Taylor, subsequently became President of Liberia in 1997. [read post]
22 Aug 2006, 10:54 am
Referring to what he obviously views as the misguided decisions of the Supreme Court in Hamdan and Judge Taylor in ACLU v. [read post]
2 Jun 2010, 9:31 pm by Lawrence Solum
Here is the abstract: In the recently decided United States v. [read post]
25 Aug 2021, 2:57 pm by Unknown
United States (Wind Energy; National Environmental Policy Act; Endangered Species Act)Larson v. [read post]
17 Feb 2021, 4:23 am by INFORRM
Can they still do that when the President of the United States has confirmed the records’ existence via tweet? [read post]
24 Apr 2017, 5:30 am by The Public Employment Law Press
Challenging an employee's termination during his or her disciplinary probation periodWoods v State Univ. of N.Y., 2017 NY Slip Op 03083, Appellate Division, Third DepartmentIn 2013 a member of a collective bargaining unit [Employee] represented by the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, Inc. [read post]