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20 Jun 2011, 3:56 pm
Miguel, Teresa Miguel [read post]
20 Nov 2010, 12:17 pm
Vicenç Feliú, Dennis Kim-Prieto, and Teresa M Miguel have written "A Closer Look: A Symposium Among Legal Historians and Law Librarians to Uncover the Spanish Roots of the Louisiana Civil Law": The debate regarding whether the origin of Louisiana civil law is based in the Spanish or in the French legal tradition has been ongoing since that state’s incorporation into the United States as a result of the Louisiana Purchase. [read post]
10 Sep 2008, 6:42 pm
Here is a summary of Miguel Olaya's attempt to transport his deceased wife's body according to AP, American Airlines sued for losing body,, Sept. 9, 2008: Teresa Olaya died on March 28, 2008. [read post]
7 Dec 2010, 4:44 pm
Here’s a description from Teresa Miguel of the Yale Law School Library. [read post]
28 Jun 2011, 7:38 am
Teresa M. [read post]
30 Oct 2008, 9:08 pm
Teresa Miguel at Yale Law Library’s Foreign and International Blog posted her review and endorsement for the International Law Video Library yesterday. [read post]
14 Oct 2010, 12:32 pm
It was curated by my colleague Teresa Miguel, Associate Librarian for Foreign & International Law, with some help from me, and includes several items from the Rare Book Collection. [read post]
14 May 2013, 4:54 pm
The selection panel for the 2013 Award is composed of Ligita Gjortlere (Riga Graduate School of Law), Teresa Miguel-Stearns (Yale Law School), Mirela Roznovschi (New York University School of Law, and Ivo Vogel (Berlin State Library). [read post]
28 Sep 2010, 3:49 pm
From the exhibit, "Mexico Celebrates its Bicentennial: 1810-2010", curated by Teresa Miguel and Michael Widener, and on display in the Rare Book Exhibition Gallery, Level L2, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School. [read post]
18 Sep 2024, 7:12 pm
Laskowski, Casandra and Miguel-Stearns, Teresa M. and Ching, Tina and Florio, Emily and Lohmeier, Kerry and O’Grady, Jean and Postar, Adeen and Williams, Austin and Wolek, Kristin, Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Law Libraries: Mid-Atlantic Roundtable Report (July 31, 2024). [read post]
28 Jul 2012, 7:08 am
Miguel Carbonell: Lo que todos sabemos de la corrupción y algo mas….. [read post]
7 Jan 2013, 6:31 pm
Applications consisting of a cover letter summarizing the applicant's qualifications and describing how this position will contribute to long-term career goals, CV or resume, and names and contact information of three (3) professional references should be sent electronically to Teresa Miguel-Stearns (, Associate Law Librarian, no later than March 1, 2013. [read post]
27 Dec 2017, 3:00 am
OPEN SEATS: GROUP 14: (Judge Cindy Lederman retiring): Renee Gordon GROUP 25: (Judge Dennis Murphy retiring): Yery Marrero GROUP 31: (Judge Maria Korvick retiring): Carlos Lopez GROUP 79: (Judge Antonio Marin retiring): Luis Perez-MedinaDavid Perkins INCUMBENTS SEEKING REELECTION: Judge Antonio ArzolaJudge Miguel de la OJudge Victoria del Pino (appointed to fill Judge Blake’s seat)Judge Maria Espinosa DennisJudge Jason Dimitris (appointed to fill Judge Brennan’s… [read post]
13 Apr 2009, 5:35 pm
In Orange County, California, Anaheim resident Miguel Angel Gallardo could spend up to 12 years and 8 months in prison for the drunk driving death of Maria Lewis, 71. [read post]
15 Apr 2015, 12:55 pm
The Statement of Claim cites to a recent article published by Reuters about a newly uncovered recording of Miguel Ferrer driving reluctant brokers to sell the Puerto Rican closed-end funds. [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 9:15 pm
Teresa Pooler******Ms. [read post]
13 Jul 2015, 1:53 am
Then we address ‘Judicial Authority in Latin America’ with a survey provided by Teresa Miguel-Stearns of Yale University. [read post]
4 Nov 2020, 2:12 pm
kenneth ratzan state atty katherine fernandez rundle chief asa don horn pd carlos martinez apd guy robinson apd teresa enriquez apd rick demaria arc silvia gonzalez arc zena duncan matt meyers, facdl jude faccidomo, facdl rachel morales-gellis, lOP ad c. [read post]
3 Dec 2009, 11:20 am
Send any feed back to Teresa Miguel or Fred Shapiro. [read post]
3 Dec 2009, 11:20 am
Send any feed back to Teresa Miguel or Fred Shapiro. [read post]