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27 May 2022, 4:47 am
Said Tinu Naija, "a New York-based Barbie enthusiast [who] ordered the Cox doll," quoted in "Laverne Cox is first trans woman to have Barbie doll modeled after her" (WaPo). [read post]
11 May 2011, 8:13 pm by Tinu
" Mom: "Tinu, it's not what you think. [read post]
8 Oct 2011, 4:44 am
 "No, really-- stop laughing at me Tinu, I'm serious. [read post]
30 Jul 2011, 9:59 am
"Mom: "Tinu, it's not what you think. [read post]
20 Jan 2012, 5:34 am
(Taking context-optional note of thought-provoking quotes)The ICC’s decisions will con­tinue to play a pivotal role in Kenya’s political process, especially in the crucial 2012 election. [read post]
31 May 2023, 2:20 am by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Both the United States and Canada have endorsed international declarations of Indigenous rights, agreeing to protect Indigenous communities from violence, yet the MMIW Crisis in both countries con- tinues. [read post]
2 Oct 2011, 1:14 pm
" And thus began my life as Tinu Diver, going from one constantly mispronounced name to another, creating a lot of confusion about my ethnicity in the process. [read post]
1 Oct 2022, 2:57 pm by Gene Takagi
The following papers were presented by their authors, commented on by discussants, and then further discussed by the attendees: Boards, Investment Practices, and Delegation –  Garry Jenkins When Donors Meet Purpose –  Tinu Adediran Use of Restricted Assets During Crises –  Jill HorwitzRelease or Modification of Restrictions: The Consequences of Codification –  Nancy McLaughlinAllocation of Authority: AGs, State Courts, and Private… [read post]
25 Jul 2020, 10:05 am by Renee Knake
High-Achieving Women in the Legal Profession Presenter: Milan Markovic (Professor of Law – Texas A&M University School of Law) Commentator: Atinuke (Tinu) Adediran ( Assistant Professor of Law – Boston College Law School) Time: Jul 30, 2020 09:00 AM PDT (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Session 2: Ethics in Pandemics: The Lawyer for the (Crisis) Situation Presenter: Raymond H. [read post]
24 Dec 2023, 10:17 am by Gene Takagi
I was honored to be the discussant for Tinu Adediran’s paper When Donors Meet Purpose presented at the Symposium on the Restatement.] [read post]
1 Nov 2006, 2:38 pm
And then; oh, well, it was a con ­tinuing enterprise, could have been any time during the four-year period. [read post]
4 Aug 2010, 10:29 pm by Tinu
My name is Tinu and I’m here at the Eastern Development Management Center with the group from the Presidential Management Fellowship Program. [read post]
2 Dec 2011, 3:45 pm
 When he finally stopped long enough for my to introduce myself, I did so as:  "Tinu DIV-HER. [read post]
17 Aug 2012, 3:55 am
The decision points out that Yastion's con­tinued employment was contingent on the district's receipt of federal funding and his annual employment contracts specifically indicated that "tenure does not apply to this position. [read post]
31 Dec 2011, 1:30 pm
 Suprising: "Hi Tinu,  We are still looking for one more team member to run the 2012 Boston Marathon for Boston Partners in Education and fundraise for us. [read post]
8 Feb 2011, 5:33 am
Ideally, I wouldn't have heard that little voice that said "Tinu, you better tell your Dad he's white! [read post]