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17 Feb 2011, 8:26 am by WSLL
.; John and Sylvia Passehl; Marty and Gail Gill; Cheryl and Doug Brown; Craig Folsom and April Walton; Mike Trenam; Ben Hilsen and Susan Jennelly; Michael Duskin; Tim and Lynn Babbitt; Michael Emerson; Scott Smith and Deb Baumer; Richard W. [read post]
22 Apr 2007, 5:37 am
Roane County Deputy Sheriff Larry Eaton, accompanied by Tracy Waldo, a paralegal from the law firm representing Emerson, appeared at Revis's house to serve the writs. [read post]
30 Jul 2021, 7:30 am by Gene Takagi
Behind The Chronicle of Philanthropy paywall.]Jed Emerson: Steve Dubb nails it again: Advocates’ Report Highlights Barriers to Community Investment via @npquarterlyNonprofit Quarterly: 8.9% of #disabled people identify as #Latinx! [read post]
18 Feb 2008, 3:59 pm
The bus driver who hit Scialdone, Tracy Sullivan, remains on the job, Mitchell said. [read post]
12 Feb 2009, 12:06 am
"This program will explore Lincoln's possible motives and shed light on the complexity of the man," said Traci Montgomery, one of the program planning committee members.The Bryants won their freedom in court and ultimately emigrated to Liberia. [read post]
17 May 2011, 5:42 am by Mandelman
If you haven’t yet attended one of Max Gardner’s Boot Camps, well… here’s a really special opportunity. [read post]