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4 Nov 2011, 12:00 pm by Michael W. Huseman
You’re a “Class Member” if you purchased in the United States a 99¢ iTunes gift card and used the card to purchase one or more $1.29 songs from the iTunes Store on or before May 10, 2010.What’s this About? [read post]
4 Nov 2011, 4:06 am by Marie Louise
Int’l., Inc (Chicago Intellectual Property Law Blog) VirnetX – Apple reexamination requests of Two VirnetX patents, among those requested week of October 17, 2011 (WHDA) Yahoo! [read post]
21 Oct 2011, 3:09 am by Marie Louise
Apple v Samsung (PatLit) Metall auf Metall II – The curious case of free use and sampling (1709 Copyright Blog) Bundespatentgericht confirms no risk of confusion between iMove and IMOVIE (Class 46)   Netherlands Samsung loses Dutch case against Apple over 3G patents as court gives meaning to FRAND (FOSS Patents) (EPLAW)   Spain File-sharing admins jailed for linking to copyright works (TorrentFreak)   Sweden Stockholm District Court: Jail sentence for… [read post]
15 Oct 2011, 8:02 am by Eric
United Parcel Service, Inc., No. 09 CVS 2582 (N.C. [read post]
14 Oct 2011, 1:03 am by Marie Louise
: Telstra & Anor v Phone Directories Co & Ors (IP Whiteboard)   Canada The daily digital lock dissenter, day 8: Documentary Organisation of Canada (Michael Geist) The daily digital lock dissenter, day 7: Canadian Civil Liberties Association (Michael Geist) The daily digital lock dissenter, day 6: Canadian Federation of Students (Michael Geist) The daily digital lock dissenter, day 5: Canadian Teachers’ Federation (Michael Geist) Canada proposes (another) copyright… [read post]
30 Sep 2011, 1:48 am by Marie Louise
  Global Global – General A call to update trade policy apps in the Internet era (IP Watch)   Global – Copyright PK In the Know podcast (inc. [read post]
16 Sep 2011, 1:46 am by Marie Louise
Rogers Communications Inc (Michael Geist)   Czech Republic Pirate Party launches ‘Facebook’ for movies (TorrentFreak)   Germany Apple wins (again) in Germany: Galaxy Tab 10.1 injunction upheld (FOSS Patents) (FOSS Patents) (Class 99) Samsung’s German lawyer agrees with Apple on the purpose of patent enforcement (FOSS Patents) Cologne Regional Court rules ISP not responsible when subscribers infringe copyrights in dispute between EMI and ISP… [read post]
9 Sep 2011, 2:01 am by Marie Louise
(Laurence Kaye on Digital Media Law)   United States US General Can I object to the production of my client’s source code on the basis of relevance or confidentiality? [read post]
2 Sep 2011, 1:36 am by Marie Louise
Keung Tse v. eBay, Inc., et al (Patents Post-Grant) District Court W D Wisconsin: Judge Crabb does away with stand-alone Markman hearings: Dashwire, Inc. v. [read post]
17 Aug 2011, 8:24 am
Google, Inc., citing the United States Supreme Court decision in eBay Inc. v. [read post]