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16 May 2015, 4:44 pm by The Book Review Editor
The first of these is the Iraqi biological weapons program dating back to the 1970s and 80s, which came under intense scrutiny by the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) from 1991-1994, following the end of the First Gulf War. [read post]
16 May 2015, 3:17 pm by Kevin
Under this charge, the question boils down to this: do you think that this evidence shows that these people "willfully injured national-defense premises" with the "intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of the United States"? [read post]
7 May 2015, 11:31 am by Schachtman
Olah, “My Search for Carbocations and Their Role in Chemistry,” Nobel Lecture (Dec. 8, 1994), quoting George von Békésy, Experiments in Hearing 8 (N.Y. 1960); see also McMillan v. [read post]
25 Mar 2015, 6:23 am by Seyfarth Shaw LLP
  Case Background After Bayer introduced genetically modified rice into the United States rice supply, rice farmers and others involved in the rice business brought more than 200 suits against Bayer and other entities, including Riceland Foods, in state and federal courts. [read post]
27 Jan 2015, 9:46 am by Tara Hofbauer
ICYMI: Yesterday, on Lawfare Wells noted the opening of a week-long hearing in the military commission case, United States v. [read post]
5 Dec 2014, 9:30 pm by Dan Ernst
We focus first on the landmark 1813 case Queen v. [read post]
27 Oct 2014, 10:46 am by Benjamin Bissell
Over the weekend, the United States and its allies conducted 22 air strikes against ISIS forces inside Iraq. [read post]
27 Sep 2014, 10:06 am by Schachtman
The common law, as it developed in the United States from the early 19th century, was hospitable to apportionments that avoided “entire” or “joint and several” liability. [read post]
18 Sep 2014, 11:17 am
  The allegations, as discussed in United States ex rel. [read post]
11 Sep 2014, 5:00 am
District Courts and in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, including numerous IPRs currently pending before the PTAB. [read post]
4 Sep 2014, 2:32 pm by Mack Sperling
Rice, Attorney-Client Privilege in the United States, §9:22, at 82 (2013-2014 ed. 2013). [read post]