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20 Mar 2022, 1:36 pm by Katherine Pompilio
Jason Healy explained why civil-military relations in the United States must adapt to new demands or cyberspace may be irretrievably diminished. [read post]
16 Mar 2022, 1:57 am by Florian Mueller
In one of the most important antitrust cases in the history of our industry, the Google Android case (one of several pending Google v. [read post]
19 Feb 2022, 11:14 am by Rebecca Tushnet
”  Other cases cite Representative Kastenmeier’s statement that the law “specifically extends only to false and misleading speech that is encompassed within the ‘commercial speech’ doctrine developed by the United States Supreme Court. [read post]
9 Feb 2022, 4:00 am by Michael C. Dorf
United States that challenges to impeachment are non-justiciable. [read post]
30 Jan 2022, 4:46 pm by INFORRM
Mr Palmer argues comments made by Mr McGowan in 2020, which included calling him an “enemy” of the state, damaged his reputation. [read post]
21 Jan 2022, 3:26 am by Florian Mueller
Apple App Store antitrust case, Epic Games filed its opening brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit yesterday. [read post]
7 Jan 2022, 5:01 am by Matthew Waxman
The combined cases—referred to collectively as Arver v. [read post]
1 Jan 2022, 4:36 am by Florian Mueller
Two new issues arose last year, however, and it's hard to tell which one is worse:the unbelievable power and money grab (with earthquake-like repercussions even on the Android side of the market) resulting from ad tracking (where Apple's self-preferencing is so very obvious), andthe way Apple's AirTags lend themselves to abuse by stalkers and thieves because Apple focused only on network effects instead of prioritizing the prevention of abuse.There's a chance that Apple will do… [read post]
28 Dec 2021, 10:57 pm by Florian Mueller
"Apple's smartphone market share in the Netherlands (26%) is far lower than in the United States, and the Dutch ACM very appropriately explains that mobile app developers are facing an Apple-Google duopoly (without using that term--at least I couldn't find in the summary).Finally, here's the Coring v. [read post]
12 Dec 2021, 1:09 pm by Dennis Crouch
For example, in 2020 the PTO denied registration to the mark TRUMP TOO SMALL in connection with T-shirts, even though the applicant argued that the mark was “political commentary about presidential candidate and president Donald Trump that the relevant consumer in the United States would not understand to be sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Donald Trump. [read post]
2 Dec 2021, 2:55 am by Kevin Kaufman
Some of these activities spill over into the United States, and just in 2020, three men were arrested in Texas transporting illicit cigarettes. [read post]