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14 Mar 2011, 1:55 pm by Aaron Pelley Federal Law Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: United States v. [read post]
9 May 2019, 2:12 pm by Andrew Hamm
Vitale, “declaring that the state may not compel the recitation of a state-composed prayer in schools” Griffin v. [read post]
14 Apr 2016, 2:02 pm by Jared Beck
(Citizens United itself overruled a 20-year old precedent, Austin v. [read post]
19 Aug 2010, 4:39 am
Selected items by law firms recently posted on the InternetSource: Lexology in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Counsel[Click on caption to access item posted on the Internet]Court, not arbitrator, decides contract formation question in the arbitration contextKelley Drye & Warren LLPAlfred Janiga has lived and worked in the United States for over 20 years since his arrival from Poland.Washington - Washington court holds statute of limitations doesn't apply to… [read post]
13 Apr 2013, 10:51 am by Gritsforbreakfast
Texas the state can't criminalize homosexuality in general.Prison oversight bill in troubleStar-Telegram columnist Bob Ray Sanders says prison oversight legislation (HB 877) is probably dead.Prison YIMBYsSee a story out of Mineral Wells about local officials fighting to keep a private prison unit there open. [read post]
25 Aug 2023, 9:30 pm by ernst
The Commerce Clause, in Nation and States,” at the U.S. [read post]
28 May 2008, 11:21 am
Circuit) Petition for certiorari Brief in opposition Petitioner's reply Brief amicus curiae of the United States (recommending denial of certiorari) __________________ Docket: 07-539 Case name: Progress Energy, Inc. v. [read post]
20 Jul 2022, 12:59 pm by Ilya Somin
(b) In this section, the term 'State' means a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any other territory or possession of the United States. [read post]
24 Jan 2011, 5:00 am by Don Cruse
The Court also filled out its March 3 argument calendar by re-setting some previously granted cases: Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania v. [read post]
10 Oct 2024, 6:31 pm
For the United States, the traditional form of popular solidarity and independence—grounded in fear, crisis and its resolution—and originating in and through popular action (even if elite directed). [read post]
12 Feb 2022, 5:42 am
The moving defendant’s burden is to demonstrate that the act or acts of which the plaintiff complains were taken ‘in furtherance of the defendant’s right of petition or free speech under the United States or California Constitution in connection with a public issue,’ as defined in the statute. [read post]
28 May 2015, 2:29 pm by Schachtman
United States Restructured and Revitalized: A Proposal to Amend Federal Evidence Rule 702,” 26 Jurimetrics J. 249, 256 (1986)). [read post]