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14 Nov 2017, 5:24 pm
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit": Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued this letter today. [read post]
25 Sep 2017, 9:00 pm
Preet talks to his old friend Vanita Gupta, who led the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division under President Obama, about why justice officials are staying, why they’re leaving, and what to make of the NFL controversy. [read post]
12 Sep 2017, 11:28 am
Vanita Gupta is the president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. [read post]
24 Aug 2017, 4:16 am
Former Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a polarizing national figure, has been found guilty of criminal contempt for intentionally violating numerous federal court orders in a civil rights lawsuit challenging the law enforcement practices of the Maricopa County Sheriff's... [read post]
29 Jul 2017, 3:55 am
No doubt newfound progressive icon Sally Yates would have been on it like Vanita Gupta was on transgender bathrooms. [read post]
1 Jun 2017, 4:58 am
Even the ones beloved by progressives because of their conflicts with Trump, Sally Yates, Preet Bharara, even Vanita Gupta, are still prosecutors. [read post]
27 Apr 2017, 10:45 am
Gupta said not one word.So much for accountability and the supposed liberal interest in data. [read post]
29 Mar 2017, 3:01 am
New paper from Ilya Shapiro and Frank Garrison for the fledgling Cato Legal Policy Bulletin series, which launched in January with Thomas Berry’s paper “The Illegal Tenure of Civil Rights Head Vanita Gupta. [read post]
1 Mar 2017, 2:55 am
Bob Goodlatte, earlier (in face of veto prospect, committee approved bill last term by 18-6 vote), more] Did Obama DoJ civil rights chief Vanita Gupta act without lawful authority? [read post]
22 Feb 2017, 5:55 am
Vanita Gupta, who led the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division under Obama, said repealing the guidance — which interprets federal law — would not eliminate protections provided by the laws themselves. [read post]
2 Feb 2017, 6:35 am
Those sources include Vanita Gupta, the head of the Justice Department’s civil rights division under President Barack Obama, the Education Department website and passages from U.S. legal code. [read post]
22 Jan 2017, 4:13 pm
Here's a useful Texas Appleseed handout promoting bail reform.See a roundup of state decarceration initiatives from 2016.Proud of my friend Vanita Gupta as she leaves the DOJ Civil Rights division. [read post]
28 Dec 2016, 5:03 am
There is fear that we may lose all this with the change from Vanita Gupta, chief of OCR, to someone who is less devoted to protecting and defending people’s constitutional rights. [read post]
6 Dec 2016, 3:59 am
But not Vanita Gupta, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and head of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. [read post]
11 Nov 2016, 5:49 am
“The Fair Housing Act helps protect open, free and integrated communities,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. [read post]
25 Aug 2016, 10:43 am
Note to Vanita Gupta: How about joining the Houston litigation? [read post]
14 Aug 2016, 10:25 am
(They quoted our pal Vanita Gupta declaring there's a mismatch between community expectations and legal requirements on police shootings.)Focus more on proportionality in use-of-force policies and training.Adopt deescalation as a formal agency policy.Create a "duty to intervene& [read post]
6 Jul 2016, 7:20 am
” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta said in a statement that “people with disabilities deserve privacy, autonomy and dignity. [read post]
23 May 2016, 1:13 pm
According to the authors, Vanita Gupta, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Department, and Lisa Foster, Director of the Office for Access to Justice, “[T]he harm caused by unlawful practices . . . can be profound. [read post]
23 May 2016, 1:13 pm
According to the authors, Vanita Gupta, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Department, and Lisa Foster, Director of the Office for Access to Justice, “[T]he harm caused by unlawful practices . . . can be profound. [read post]