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9 Nov 2015, 11:40 am by Elina Saxena, Cody M. Poplin
Two American contractors training Palestinian security forces in Jordan were shot dead by a Jordanian co-trainer. [read post]
27 Oct 2015, 7:19 am by Quinta Jurecic
A transcript of the hearing is not publicly available right now, but I have put the following together from the following press accounts: Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, Vice, and the New York Law Journal. [read post]
14 Oct 2015, 12:38 pm by Elina Saxena, Cody M. Poplin
Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced that the United States and Russia will hold a third round of deconfliction talks today, the Wall Street Journal reports. [read post]
13 Jul 2015, 11:45 am by Quinta Jurecic , Staley Smith
The Wall Street Journal explains that it was “unclear whether Mr. [read post]
9 Dec 2014, 10:38 am by Kevin LaCroix
”  – Remarks by Kevin Mandia, “Sony Investigator Says Cyber Attack ‘Unparalleled’ Crime,” Reuters, December 7, 2014[i]   “The days of the IT guy sitting alone in a dark corner are long gone. [read post]
7 Oct 2014, 3:43 am by Amy Howe
  Ronald Mann previewed the second case slated for argument today, Dart Cherokee Basin Operating Co. v. [read post]
16 Sep 2014, 11:24 am by Benjamin Bissell
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Taliban took responsibility for the attack. [read post]
13 Aug 2014, 11:12 am by Cody Poplin
BBC News and Reuters share details. [read post]
26 Jun 2014, 3:56 am by Amy Howe
Yesterday was the kind of day that we’d been waiting for here at SCOTUSblog, with the Court issuing opinions in three argued cases, two of which were the blockbusters American Broadcasting Cos. v. [read post]
In our 2011 ACLU report on secrecy "Drastic Measures Required," my co-author Mike German and I wrote that "American democracy has a disease, and it's called secrecy. [read post]
6 Mar 2014, 3:21 am by Broc Romanek
Halliburton's Oral Arguments - The "biggie" is the Halliburton Co. v. [read post]