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10 Jan 2016, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
Barbara Mikulski says labor regulations go too far, maybe they go too far [Rachel Weiner, Washington Post] Lawsuit: California shouldn’t be letting private employees work seven days in a row whether they want to or not [Trevor Burrus, Cato; Mendoza v. [read post]
13 Mar 2015, 9:07 am by Eric Goldman
Weiner * Copyright Owner Enjoined from Sending DMCA Takedown Notices–Biosafe-One v. [read post]
28 Mar 2018, 10:00 am by Eric Goldman
Weiner * Copyright Owner Enjoined from Sending DMCA Takedown Notices–Biosafe-One v. [read post]
12 May 2018, 9:54 am by Eric Goldman
Weiner * Copyright Owner Enjoined from Sending DMCA Takedown Notices–Biosafe-One v. [read post]
16 Feb 2011, 3:19 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
" On December 5, 2008, long after SCHECHTER provided BREYTMAN with a copy of the file, BREYTMAN served SCHECHTER with a subpoena for the original file, in connection with another of his pro se actions against the landlord, ALEXANDER BREYTMAN v OLINVILLE REALTY LLC and WEINER REALTY, Supreme Court, Kings County, Index No. 2423/06 [exhibit G of motion]. [read post]
6 Apr 2012, 6:42 am by Lindsay Griffiths
    In the Name of "Fairness," a New Jersey Federal Court Strikes the Confidentiality and Release Provisions from a Fair Labor Standards Act Settlement Agreement from Epstein Becker Green: Doug Weiner and Meg Thering look at the recent Brumley v. [read post]
24 Jun 2022, 9:02 pm by Public Employment Law Press
Kopec v City of Elmhurst, 193 F3d at 896, 904; Weiner v City College of City Univ. of New York, 1997 WL 381799, *1, *4, 1997 US Dist LEXIS 9705, *2, *13 [SD NY, July 9, 1997, No. 95 Civ 10892 (JFK)]). [read post]
24 Jun 2022, 9:02 pm by Public Employment Law Press
Kopec v City of Elmhurst, 193 F3d at 896, 904; Weiner v City College of City Univ. of New York, 1997 WL 381799, *1, *4, 1997 US Dist LEXIS 9705, *2, *13 [SD NY, July 9, 1997, No. 95 Civ 10892 (JFK)]). [read post]