Your search William Grant; Ike Harris; Ambassador Developmentcorporation; Lazer Development Group, Inc.; the Aspen Group v. City of Pittsburgh; Eugene Ricciardi; Jack Wagner; Jamesferlo; Daniel Cohen; Michelle Madoff; Duane Darkins;bernard Regan; Pittsburgh City Council; City of Pittsburghplanning Commission; City of Pittsburgh Historic Reviewcommission; Jane Downing; Thomas W. Armstrong; Johndesantis; Michael Eversmeyer; John Raham; the South Sideplanning Forum; the South Side Local Development Co.; Thesouth Side Community Council of Pittsburgh, Inc.; Thebrashear Association; South Side Antiques; Arts & Crafaxassociation; Gerald Morosco; Rebecca Flora; Cynthiaesser; John A. Johnston; Hugh J. Brannan, Iii; Thomastripoli; Private Party Defendants,city of Pittsburgh; Eugene Ricciardi; Jack Wagner, Jamesferlo; Daniel Cohen; Michelle Madoff; Duane Darkins(deceased); Bernard Regan (deceased); Pittsburgh Citycouncil; City of Pittsburgh Planing Commission; City Ofpittsburgh Historic Review Commission; Jane Downing;thomas W. Armstrong; John Desantis; Michael Eversmeyer Andjohn Rahaim, Appellants did not match any document.