Search for: "Williams v. San Francisco"
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13 Sep 2019, 1:19 pm
Gibson, if you knew how much your books meant to my early days in San Francisco, they equate to me at 24 first coming here in 1990 and the city that I found when I moved here. [read post]
30 Jul 2019, 10:06 pm
City of San Diego, S238563. [read post]
22 Jul 2019, 5:00 pm
Join us for a half hour on the 5-4 SCOTUS decision in Knick v. [read post]
13 Jul 2019, 6:00 am
Gold rushers would from there travel by river, land, and two lakes to the Pacific Ocean, and then onward to San Francisco. [read post]
3 May 2019, 8:15 am
Under Graham v. [read post]
23 Apr 2019, 9:23 pm
After the public comment period and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (“the City”) certified the FEIR, plaintiffs sought a writ of mandate in San Francisco Superior Court including alleged violations of CEQA requesting that the trial court set aside the certification of the FEIR and approval of the project. [read post]
22 Apr 2019, 8:29 pm
By William W. [read post]
3 Apr 2019, 6:21 am
On March 22nd, Professor Baker was the featured speaker at the Northern California Association of Law Libraries’ Spring Institute in San Francisco, California. [read post]
27 Mar 2019, 1:00 am
Drug Policy Nora Demleitner, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Drug Courts: Not a Public Health Solution Katherine Drabiak, University of South Florida College of Public Health, Questioning Medication Assisted Treatment James Hodge, Arizona State University College of Law, Supervised Injection Facilities: Legal and Policy Reforms Daniel Orenstein, University of California San Francisco, Grassroots of Grass: Cannabis Legalization Ballot Initiative Campaign Contributions… [read post]
23 Mar 2019, 7:36 am
Left Coast City: Progressive Politics in San Francisco, 1975-1991 (University Press of Kansas, 1992).Fischer, George, ed. [read post]
18 Mar 2019, 7:56 am
" Dowling v. [read post]
10 Mar 2019, 6:42 pm
Early one morning, Sneed waited to pick up L.G. near her parents’ home in San Francisco. [read post]
4 Mar 2019, 1:50 pm
Judge Orrick followed these and other federal court decisions in ruling that Section 1373 is unconstitutional under the Supreme Court's recent decision in Murphy v. [read post]
19 Feb 2019, 11:26 pm
Orrick of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California decided that Samsung's allegation of Huawei having breached its FRAND licensing obligations will be put before a San Francisco Jury in September, which is precisely what the Chinese plaintiff sought to avoid by means of a motion to strike its Korean rival's jury demand. [read post]
8 Feb 2019, 10:30 am
Williams v. [read post]
4 Feb 2019, 6:00 am
Carnegie Endowment President William J. [read post]
10 Dec 2018, 11:02 am
” For the full complaint in Center for Genetics and Society v. [read post]
29 Nov 2018, 9:00 pm
As the Maine law explains, under a Ranked-Choice voting regime (a version of which has been used in some local jurisdictions, such as San Francisco County, for years), “the method of casting and tabulating votes [is one] in which voters rank candidates in order of preference, [and then] tabulation proceeds in sequential rounds in which last-place candidates are defeated and the candidate with the most votes in the final round is elected. [read post]
16 Nov 2018, 8:00 am
His son, William Lockhart “Will” Garwood, was appointed to the Supreme Court of Texas in 1979, becoming the first and only father and son to serve on the court. [read post]
9 Oct 2018, 11:57 pm
City of San Diego, S238563. [read post]