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29 Jul 2022, 3:33 pm by Edward T. Kang
At the sentencing, Judge Wood scolded Freedman for contributing to “the scourge of our lifetime, our opioid crisis. [read post]
28 Jul 2022, 7:29 am by Jacob Katz Cogan
The Czech Republic Monika Zalnieriute, Big Brother Watch and Others v. [read post]
27 Jul 2022, 10:35 am by Guest Author
Army of the indigenous tribes in the trans-Mississippi West, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the labor injunction, Plessy v. [read post]
18 Jul 2022, 8:33 am by David M. McLain
Recently, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado interpreted a faulty workmanship exclusion in a property insurance policy in The Lodge at Mountain Village Owner Association v. [read post]
18 Jul 2022, 8:33 am by David McLain
Recently, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado interpreted a faulty workmanship exclusion in a property insurance policy in The Lodge at Mountain Village Owner Association v. [read post]
16 Jul 2022, 1:00 am by David Pocklington
Mary Doogan and Connie Wood, the labour ward co-ordinators at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, who sought to assert their conscientious objection to supervising staff involved in abortions have won their appeal. [read post]
26 Jun 2022, 9:02 pm by Austin Sarat
The sponsors went from one medical practitioner to another seeking help imagining what lethal injections should look like in the United States. [read post]
26 Jun 2022, 12:28 am by Bill Henderson
  Note that I write this post during the public hearings for the January 6th Commission, which is faithfully documenting an attempted coup of the United States government that would not have been possible without a rampant populist fervor that continues to this day. [read post]
29 May 2022, 4:05 pm by INFORRM
  The work has been comprehensively updated to take in the latest case including Lachaux, Stocker, Serafin, Lloyd v Google, Economou, Wright v Ver, Wright v Granath, Corbyn v Millett, Duchess of Sussex v Associated, and Soriano v Forensic News. [read post]
15 May 2022, 4:48 pm by INFORRM
On 12 May 2022, there were hearings in the cases of Lee -v- Brown before Collins Rice J and MPL -v- WSZ before Saini J. [read post]
28 Apr 2022, 9:01 pm by Caroline A. Crenshaw
As you know, early investors in a SPAC IPO are issued “units,” which typically include redeemable shares and a fraction of a warrant. [read post]
28 Apr 2022, 8:30 am by Guest Blogger
This post was prepared for a roundtable on Reforming the Supreme Court of the United States, convened as part of LevinsonFest 2022—a year-long series gathering scholars from diverse disciplines and viewpoints to reflect on Sandy Levinson’s influential work in constitutional law. [read post]