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27 Feb 2007, 12:25 am
The following new research articles on foreign,comparative and international law topics arenow available at GlobaLex (NYU Hauser GlobalLaw School Program):Research Guide on TRIPS and Compulsory Licensing: Access to Innovative Pharmaceuticals for Least Developed Countries (Do Hyung Kim) Guide to Legal Research in Honduras (José Miguel Ãlvarez and Jessica Ramos) Researching Icelandic Law (Rán Tryggvadóttir and Thordis Ingadóttir) A Guide to… [read post]
6 Mar 2007, 10:20 am
The site has just posted several new and updated guides, including the following: Guide to Legal Research in Honduras by José Miguel Ãlvarez and Jessica Ramos Researching Icelandic Law by Rán Tryggvadóttir and Thordis Ingadóttir A Guide to the Singapore Legal System and Legal Research by Tzi Yong Sam Sim The Law in Zimbabwe by Otto Saki and Tatenda Chiware Guide to Caribbean Law Research (updated Feb. 2007) by Yemisi… [read post]
6 Apr 2009, 10:47 am
[hat tip to Yemisi Dina, Associate Librarian, Osgoode Hall Law School / via Caribbean Net News] [read post]
8 Mar 2007, 10:14 am
here, has released the following new research guides: Research Guide on TRIPS and Compulsory Licensing: Access to Innovative Pharmaceuticals for Least Developed Countries by Do Hyung Kim Guide to Legal Research in Honduras by José Miguel Ãlvarez and Jessica Ramos Researching Icelandic Law by Rán Tryggvadóttir and Thordis Ingadóttir A Guide to the Singapore Legal System and Legal Research by Tzi Yong Sam Sim The Law in Zimbabwe by Otto… [read post]
1 Jun 2020, 6:20 pm
At 11 am US/Central, Alex Zhang (Washington & Lee), Alison Shea (Cornell), Yemisi Dina (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University), and Mariya Badeva-Bright (Laws.Africa) will update viewers on COVID-19 responses in Asia, Europe, and Africa, highlighting especially interesting responses that you may have missed and resources for learning more. [read post]
28 Jan 2008, 7:37 am
I wish to close by saying a special thank you to Yemisi Dina for serving as Acting Chief Law Librarian over the past many months while the search process was under way. [read post]
24 Jan 2018, 4:00 am
The Jumpstart guide that I started on how to network and connect with FCIL specialists and get help with FCIL research was later updated by Mary Rumsey, and most recently by a team of colleagues from the AALL FCIL-SIS Electronic Research Interest Group (ERIG) – James Hart, Xin Chen, Yemisi Dina, and Steven Perkins. [read post]
24 Jul 2013, 6:55 am
Yemisi Dina, Associate Librarian/Head of Public Services at York University, who is leading the project, discussed the need to have customary court decisions digitized. [read post]