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14 May 2015, 8:30 am
There's the usual litany of "free" (cf: TAANSTAFL) items, and then this particular turn of phrase caught my eye:"In applying preventive service recommendations that are sex-specific to particular individuals (for example, a transgender individual)"Regular readers know that the exhaustive list of preventive care requirements contain exactly ZERO male-specific benefits. [read post]
1 Aug 2008, 7:00 pm
McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited, 2005 CF 406En premier [read post]
1 Sep 2008, 5:00 pm
Cheng-Lang Tsai, 2006 CF 1249 permet de comprendre qu'il est possible de se pourvoir d'une décision du registraire des marques de commerces. [read post]
2 Sep 2011, 5:07 pm by MaCristina
Les comento que el día de hoy acudieron a mi domicilio dos camionetas requiriendo el pago atrasado de mi crédito con CF, yo no me encontraba en el domicilio y dejaron una hoja tamaño oficio que proclama ser una demanda "Lista". [read post]
11 Nov 2010, 12:57 pm by arthure
Como ya había comentado... los de Crédito Familiar son muy "perruchos", resulta q dejaron de hablar a la casa de mis papás, y un día me hablan al celular una abogada muy amable por cierto, que dijo ser del corporativo de CF y me ofrecía distintas alternativas para liquidar mi adeudo con ellos. [read post]
16 Sep 2020, 9:15 am by Jonathan Stroud
District court filings were substantially lulled this week, with about a third of what’s normal—33—filed to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s 32 petitions, propped up by lithium-ion battery company Amprius filing eight inter partes reviews (IPRs) against the Japanese Softbank (via Fortress IP)-owned Traverse CF non-practicing entity (NPE). [read post]
8 Jan 2022, 3:07 pm by Patrick S. O'Donnell
“While the concept of freedom is both broader and deeper than that of democracy [cf., for example, its metaphysical and ontological meanings in Kant’s philosophy, Sartrian existentialism, or Indian philosophies and, most recently, a book on the subject by the inimitable Raymond Tallis] the concept of liberty is narrower but no less significant. [read post]
29 Apr 2008, 11:20 pm
Registraire des marques de commerce, 2006 CF 1440 a apporté des précisions concernant la preuve d'emploi de la marque de commerce.La marque de commerce Tint King a été enregistrée le 21 avril 1989 par le seul dirigeant et administrateur de la compagnie Tint King of California Inc, Allen Elliot Starkman, en relation avec des accessoires d'automobiles, [read post]
13 Sep 2018, 11:16 am
Given the 168,746 active California lawyers, this is 3%There are 316 certified appellate specialists (Cf. there are 35 Admiralty & Maritime specialists and 1,423 Workers' Comp specialists). [read post]
4 Jul 2012, 6:27 am by Emmanuel Barthe
Le catalogue du fonds ancien de la Bibliothèque de la Cour de cassation est interrogeable en ligne sur un site externe hébergé (cf son URL et les mentions légales du site) par Publicis Technology (comme pour l'Autorité de la Concurrence) et sous le logiciel de gestion de bibliothèque ex-Ex Libris de Cadic devenu Cadic Intégrale : [read post]
26 Apr 2010, 4:00 am by Natalie Gauthier
., 2006 CF 700 est venu répondre à la question.Voltige Inc. a demandé l'enregistrement de la marque de commerce Cavalia qui a été enregistrée le 15 [read post]
11 Aug 2017, 10:30 am by David Markus
Schweitzer—like the protagonist of a recent hit song—was too equivocal, cf. [read post]
19 Jul 2019, 10:11 am by Emmanuel Barthe
Explication : comme chaque évolution du site de l'Assemblée nationale (cf celle de 2005 avec une grande photo en plane centre ), celle-ci est faite pour le *grand public*, autrement dit les électeurs des députés. (...) [read post]
17 Jul 2012, 10:12 am by Danrampac
Buenos dias, Queria solicitar su apoyo con mi caso ya tengo un retraso de 5 meses ( 5 mil mensuales) en el pago de mi credito automotriz (CF credit) , desde el mes de enero tengo problemas por falta de trabajo y he estado en negociaciones, me han estado llamando y amenazando hace un mes logre hacer una pago de 17 mil pesos que cubrian hasta el mes de enero, sin embargo en este momento tengo el adeudo de 5 meses y el viernes me llamaron del juridico para decirme si no pagaba lo atrasado… [read post]
11 Jul 2014, 7:10 am
This is likely due to two interrelated factors: fewer companies even offer it, and it's hellaciously expensive (cf: chicken, egg). [read post]
15 Apr 2021, 6:21 am
Additionally, CF staff also issued a recent statement [3] highlighting key filing considerations for SPACs. [read post]
1 Apr 2010, 8:08 am by David Harlow
  Rich Elmore hosts the current Health Wonk Review at his Healthcare Technology News (check out the flying pigs photos and more; cf. the HealthBlawger's "First Hundred Days" edition of Blawg Review for another reference to flying pigs). [read post]
20 Mar 2017, 9:05 pm by Walter Olson
Investigation of problems with no-knock “dynamic entry” police raids [Kevin Sack, New York Times; cf. [read post]