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21 Oct 2011, 8:15 am by EEM
DNA Tests: A Barrier to Speedy Family Reunification (Canadian Council for Refugees, Oct. 2011) [text]Immigration Detention in Switzerland: A Global Detention Project Special Report (Global Detention Project, Oct. 2011) [text]Matter of N-T- as Progeny of Matter of A-T-: A Teaching Tool for FGM Cases (ImmigrationProf Blog, Oct. 2011) [text]Precarious Housing & Hidden Homelessness Among Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Immigrants: Bibliography and Review of Canadian Literature from 2005 to… [read post]
31 Aug 2009, 3:01 am
(Hat tip to our colleagues at ImmigrationProf Blog) [read post]
3 Oct 2009, 3:01 am
(Hat tip to our colleagues at ImmigrationProf Blog) [read post]
15 Oct 2007, 1:01 am
Nair, also today's Immigrant of the Day at ImmigrationProf Blog, is now working to bring the story of human migration to the screen. [read post]
23 Jul 2008, 7:01 pm
For the next installment in the Underbelly summer book fair, here's my sometimes colleague Bill Hing at the UC Davis Law School:I recommend The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell, because, among other things, the book reinforces what I've long believed: that one person, one idea, can make a difference at the right time.Editor's note: Bill is also the co-host (with Kevin Johnson, who will be offering a recommendation here later) at the influential ImmigrationProf Blog. [read post]
20 Jun 2007, 12:50 am
A global list of events commemorating the day is available here, and at ImmigrationProf Blog there's a call for petition signatures....2002 (5 years ago today), in Atkins v. [read post]
13 Jan 2022, 8:15 am by Unknown
(Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice Blog, Oct. 2021) [text]Top 10 Immigration Law Stories of 2021, Immigration Book of the Year (ImmigrationProf Blog, Dec. 2021) [text]Reports:Immigration: Apprehensions and Expulsions at the Southwest Border (Congressional Research Service, Dec. 2021) [text]Inhumane Again: Remain in Mexico Rollout Confirms Endemic Flaws of Unfixable Policy (Human Rights First, Dec. 2021) [text]A Mounting Asylum Backlog and Growing Wait Times (TRAC, Dec.… [read post]
10 Jul 2023, 7:15 am by Unknown
(Immigration Impact Blog, June 2023) [text]Immigration in the Supreme Court, 2022 Term (ImmigrationProf Blog, July 2023) [text]Majority of U.S. [read post]
25 Feb 2022, 6:30 am by Unknown
Multimedia: The governance of exit regimes and sustainable reintegration post-exit, 25 Jan. 2022 [access] digital case tool on asylum [access via ImmigrationProf Blog]Related post: - Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 1 (12 Feb. 2022) - Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2 (12 Feb. 2022) [read post]
17 Nov 2022, 7:00 am by Unknown
Opportunity:Panel: Persons with disabilities in armed conflicts: from invisibility to visibility, Online, 1 December 2022 [info]Blog posts & press:Disability and Asylum Law (ImmigrationProf Blog, Oct. 2022) [text]- Focuses on the US.Leaving Ukraine: A story about helping people with disabilities escape the war in Ukraine (Think Global Health, Oct. 2022) [text]Shortfalls in data exclude older people from humanitarian responses (Bond News & Views, Sept. 2022) [text]Supporting… [read post]
19 Dec 2022, 7:00 am by Unknown
Blog posts & press:Happy International Migrants Day (ImmigrationProf Blog, Dec. 2022) [text]Holocaust refugees in a global context (Refugee History Blog, Dec. 2022) [text]If we invest in statistics, our dividend will be protection (Joint Data Center Blog, Dec. 2022) [text]Key facts about recent trends in global migration (Pew Fact Tank, Dec. 2022) [text]The Potential and Pitfalls of Predictive Ethics (UNHCR Innovation Service, Dec. 2022) [text]To get a clearer picture of internal… [read post]
30 Sep 2024, 9:30 am by Unknown
"Migrant crossings at the US’ southern border drop for the third straight month amid campaign year scrutiny," CNN, 30 Sept. 2024 [text]On the US-Mexico border, the records of Trump and Harris reflect the national mood of less immigration, not more (The Conversation, Sept. 2024) [text]There are not 13,099 Illegal Immigrant Murderers Roaming Free on American Streets (CATO At Liberty Blog, Sept. 2024) [text]Trump, Immigrants, and Pets: A Distraction from a Discussion of Immigration… [read post]
8 Jul 2024, 11:30 am by Unknown
Immigration Detention (American Civil Liberties Union, Physicians for Human Rights & American Oversight, June 2024) [text]A Guide to Obtaining Release from Immigration Detention (National Immigration Project, June 2024) [text via ImmigrationProf Blog]- Focuses on the US. [read post]
2 May 2024, 11:15 am by Unknown
Short pieces:Canada: All 10 Provinces to End Immigration Detention in Jails (Human Rights Watch, March 2024) [text]Child immigration detention must be prohibited following adoption of EU migration and asylum pact, UN experts say (OHCHR, May 2024) [text]Detaining migrants in prisons violates human rights and risks abuses (The Conversation, April 2024) [text]- Focuses on Canada.Detention Landscapes: Mapping Violence in Immigration Detention in Greece (Border Criminologies Blog, April 2024)… [read post]
5 Oct 2023, 10:45 am by Unknown
Because It Works," New York Times Magazine, 1 Oct. 2023 [text via ImmigrationProf Blog]- Focuses on the US.Reports:Creative approaches to boosting the employment of displaced Ukrainians in Central and Eastern Europe (ICMPD, Sept. 2023) [text via ReliefWeb]How Granting Amnesty to Undocumented Immigrants Could Boost the US Labor Market (Rice Univ., Sept. 2023) [text]The Integration of Migrants in the German Labor Market: Evidence Over 50 Years, IZA Discussion Paper, no. [read post]
23 Sep 2022, 6:30 am by Unknown
Biden can formalize that assistance across the country (Niskanen Center Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]- Discusses sponsorship programmes.More labels, less protection: A comparison of the Afghan and Ukraine protection schemes (RLI Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]Most Americans express support for taking in refugees, but opinions vary by party and other factors (Pew Fact Tank, Sept. 2022) [text]Philippines welcomes Rohingya refugees through complementary pathways programme (UNHCR, Sept. 2022) [text]Research on… [read post]
9 Feb 2023, 11:00 am by Unknown
Blog posts & press:Close to 1,000 migrant children separated by Trump yet to be reunited with parents (ImmigrationProf Blog, Feb. 2023) [text]Refugee children are disproportionately poorer (and thus more vulnerable) than other household members and as a result require a larger share of social assistance to meet their basic needs (UNHCR Blog, Feb. 2023) [text]- Focuses on Uganda and Kenya. [read post]