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10 May 2011, 12:24 am by Jeff Gamso
Jamison is probably right in a technical way. [read post]
9 May 2011, 12:06 pm by Tiffany Chiao
SF Weekly, April 6, 2011 by Peter Jamison Does Hersh’s support signal that Onek might just follow through on his vows to let some more sunshine in at 850 Bryant? [read post]
10 Apr 2011, 8:20 pm by George M. Wallace
") The underlying, dumbfounding details of how it all came about were still emerging todayy, as reported by Jamison Koehler. [read post]
5 Apr 2011, 4:44 am by Maxwell Kennerly
The criminal defense blogosphere has all piled on (Jamison Koehler, who as a DC lawyer, has a particular interest, Mark Bennett, Scott Greenfield, Eric Mayer) as did the generalists like Carolyn Elefant and reporters like Elie Mystal and Debra Cassens Weiss. [read post]
4 Apr 2011, 5:58 am
" and as always, from fellow criminal defense lawyer Jamison Koehler, "we're smart enough to figure this out. [read post]
4 Apr 2011, 2:36 am by SHG
  Gamso, who learned of the story via Jamison Koehler, provides a bit of Rakofsky's self-proclaimed background, which is enormously impressive for a guy who graduated in 2009. [read post]
3 Apr 2011, 12:57 pm by Carolyn Elefant
As it turned out, Rakofsky was not licensed in DC (though he did retain local counsel) and had never tried a case, even though, as Jamison points out, Rakofsky’s website describes himself as a “specialist” in criminal law. [read post]
2 Apr 2011, 11:58 am by Jeff Gamso
  As Jamison Koehler, who led me to this story, notes, adding the italics,[H]e “interviewed at a well-respected investment bank with branches all over the world. [read post]
18 Mar 2011, 11:49 am by Marcia Oddi
Jamison (ND Ind., Miller), a 14-page opinion, Judge Flaum writes:Dennis Jamison (“Jamison”) was convicted of possessing... [read post]
18 Mar 2011, 11:30 am by WISCONSIN LAW JOURNAL STAFF
Jamison argues that the government failed to sufficiently prove the second element to render the alleged error harmless. [read post]
14 Mar 2011, 4:59 am by Marie Louise
(Copyright Litigation Blog) US Copyright – Lawsuits and strategic steps Golan – Supremes to decide if public domain works can be re-copyrighted (ArsTechnica) (Patently-O) Survivor – Eye of the Tiger: Survivor survives motion to dismiss in copyright royalties dispute: Sullivan dba Survivor v Jamison (Chicago Intellectual Property Law Blog) US Trade Marks – Decisions District Court E D Pennsylvania concludes vendor cannot claim exclusive rights to ‘A Taste of… [read post]
27 Feb 2011, 11:42 am by Rob McKinney
Thanks to Jamison Koehler for the heads up on the video. [read post]
24 Feb 2011, 1:59 am by
Jamison, 30, Rancho Cordova, California, pleaded guilty to bankruptcy fraud charges. [read post]
14 Feb 2011, 8:00 am
Jamison Koehler, to whom I have shown little love, and who did a lovely Blawg Review showing "the family" in pictures, writes about (Former) Congressman Chris Lee, posting a shirtless picture on craigslist in an effort to find a date (with a girl not his wife). [read post]
1 Feb 2011, 8:55 pm by Rick
Jamison called me “long-winded. [read post]
31 Jan 2011, 10:38 am by Editor
Jamison Koehler hosts Blawg Review #296 at Koehler Law, putting faces to the names of many leading bloggers of the criminal defense bar. [read post]