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7 Nov 2022, 6:38 pm by karp
In 2019, The Karp Law Firm was also recognized as the BEST LAW FIRM in Palm Beach County. [read post]
1 Nov 2022, 1:32 pm by jeffreynewmanadmin
The program is similar to one recently established by the US Treasury Department called the “Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program” (KARP?) [read post]
28 Oct 2022, 6:03 pm by karp
If you or a loved one are a veteran who needs assistance with veterans benefits for long-term nursing home, assisted living or at-home care, contact The Karp Law Firm at (561) 625-1100. [read post]
17 Oct 2022, 8:02 pm by karp
Contact The Karp Law Firm for assistance by calling (561) 625-1100 or emailing [read post]
6 Oct 2022, 3:29 pm by karp
Contact the Karp Law Firm’s estate planning attorneys for guidance on how to provide for your special needs child. [read post]
14 Sep 2022, 12:58 pm
Karp (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 1133, 1149 (Sharabianlou).) [read post]
8 Sep 2022, 9:30 pm by ernst
DRE.]The Antislavery Moment: Capitalism, Democracy, and Abolition in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Princeton UniversityThis conference will feature prominent scholars who work on abolition, anti-slavery politics, capitalism, and slavery, and will attempt to revisit the classic questions about the relationship between the marketplace and abolition in light of the new historiographical trends.This conference is organized by Professor Matthew Karp, Professor Peter Wrizbicki and the Center… [read post]
12 Aug 2022, 8:08 am by karp
The Karp Law Firm attorneys will advise you about the MMNA. [read post]
31 Jul 2022, 6:04 pm by Sabrina I. Pacifici
They include Markus Dohle, the chief executive of Penguin Random House, and Jonathan Karp, the chief executive of Simon & Schuster, as well as executives from other publishing houses, literary agents and a handful of authors. [read post]
19 Jul 2022, 5:37 pm by karp
  The Karp Law Firm Can Help Personal Representatives and Trustees Our law firm’s estate administration department provides support and guidance for both personal representatives and trustees who are administering estates. [read post]
26 Jun 2022, 9:39 am by karp
 Call The Karp Law Firm to schedule a consultation at 561-625-1100. [read post]
24 Jun 2022, 6:12 pm by karp
To schedule a consultation with The Karp Law Firm, call (561) 625-1100. [read post]
12 Jun 2022, 1:09 pm by karp
Talk to The Karp Law Firm estate planning attorneys to explore how to best help your grandchild pay for their education and still protect your Medicaid eligibility. [read post]
9 Jun 2022, 6:49 am by karp
Call The Karp Law Firm today at (561) 625-1100 to discuss creating your own legal plans to avoid guardianship. [read post]
24 May 2022, 10:56 am by karp
To contact The Karp Law Firm attorneys to find out how to shoulder the cost of long-term care using Medicaid and/or Veterans benefits, contact our office at (561) 625-1100. [read post]