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6 May 2014, 7:11 pm by Maureen Johnston
McNeal 13-963 Issue: Whether, contrary to Strickland v. [read post]
6 May 2014, 8:02 am by Al Sturgeon
  This afternoon, all 200 of our first-year students take their third (of four) final exams this semester when they sit for Criminal Law with Professors Caldwell, Chase, and McNeal. [read post]
5 May 2014, 3:07 pm by David Kravets
"The National Park Service has just decided, based on a very absurd interpretation of their regulations, to ban the use of drones," Gregory McNeal, a Pepperdine University legal scholar, said in a telephone interview. [read post]
26 Apr 2014, 10:55 am by Ritika Singh
” Gregory McNeal, a frequent Lawfare contributor and professor at Pepperdine Law, moderated the discussion. [read post]
17 Apr 2014, 10:58 am by Minken Employment Lawyers
As there was no job description for the new position of Senior Manager VPP and none developed after Jodoin was moved into the position, the Court concluded that they could draw a “reasonable inference that the position was created by Nissan in Canada in order to get Jodoin out of his position so he could be replaced by McNeal. [read post]
11 Apr 2014, 7:41 am
 The McNeal court held that fully unsecured second mortgages are fair game to be stripped off under 11 U.S.C. [read post]
20 Mar 2014, 3:00 am by Paul Caron
Congratulations to Trey Childress and Greg McNeal, who have been granted tenure by the Pepperdine University Board of Regents. [read post]
14 Dec 2013, 3:46 am by Paul Caron
Ask Senator Elizabeth Warren And Other Experts, by Greg McNeal (Pepperdine): A 16 year old who killed four people while driving drunk after stealing alcohol from WalMart was sentenced to probation after his defense team argued he suffered from “affluenza” -- a malady that affects people... [read post]
29 Nov 2013, 2:07 am by Michael DelSignore
McNeal, where it held that expert testimony on the scientific technique underlying breathalyzer tests is is inadmissible with respect to the more specific offense of driving with a BAC over 0.08 percent, but is only admissible with regard to the generic offense to rebut the presumption that the driver's BAC level was over 0.08 percent while driving. [read post]
7 Nov 2013, 8:15 pm by Walter Olson
“Shannon Renee McNeal was torn from her screaming children by police who were seeking a woman with a similar name — a woman who they should have known had been murdered seven months before. [read post]
26 Sep 2013, 9:12 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Mary Helen McNeal and Patricia Warth (Syracuse University College of Law and Center for Community Alternatives) have posted Barred Forever: Seniors, Housing and Sex Offense Registration (Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2, p. 317, 2013)... [read post]
17 May 2013, 2:14 pm by Rahul Bhagnari, ACLU
Gregory McNeal from the Pepperdine University School of Law referenced the ARGUS-IS to demonstrate how advanced the technology has become. [read post]
17 May 2013, 1:00 pm by Wells Bennett
”  The four-witness panel included two experts familiar to Lawfare readers: UCLA professor and Brookings Non-Resident Fellow John Villasenor, and Pepperdine Law’s Greg McNeal. [read post]
23 Apr 2013, 12:08 pm by Raffaela Wakeman
As Greg McNeal noted, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights is holding a hearing this afternoon on the targeted killing program entitled “Drone Wars: The Constitutional and Counterterrorism Implications of Targeted Killing. [read post]
31 Mar 2013, 8:29 am by Benjamin Wittes
From Weekend Edition, a very thoughtful and useful discussion with Greg McNeal on some of themes of his recent guest blogging on Lawfare: Send to Kindle [read post]
24 Mar 2013, 8:38 am
This Court, too, will follow McNeal, even though the Court is persuaded McNeal was wrongly decided. [read post]