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22 Aug 2012, 7:51 am by arester
From SWH press release: Sanford Wittels & Heisler LLP (SWH), a leading national public interest law firm with offices in Washington, D.C., New York and San Francisco, today announced the addition of Ross Brooks as head of its qui tam practice. [read post]
20 Sep 2010, 10:17 am by Joel Bolstein
  The bottom line is that you no longer have to submit an environmental covenant when the levels of contamination on a property exceed the residential SWHS but are at or below the non-residential SWHS and you have demonstrated attainment of the Act 2 non-residential SWHS. [read post]
18 Mar 2015, 11:25 am by Ed. Puerto Rico
Descargar documento: Reglamento del Programa Vieques Solarizado (PVS) Establece parámetros y criterios uniformes para la aplicación del Reglamento del Programa Vieques Solarizado (PVS) ó SWH Program (Solar Water Heater Program) para participantes residentes de Vieques elegibles a recibir asistencia bajo el PVS para adquirir calentadores de agua solares. [read post]
8 Feb 2010, 9:08 am by McNabb Associates, P.C.
(SWH) developments which was involved with the construction of affordable housing developments in District 100. [read post]
28 Dec 2022, 10:00 am by Unknown
Filed with Secretary of State September 16, 2022. ]LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST[swh note: I have left in the red and blue original editing in the bill markups]AB 1909, as amended, Friedman. [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 1:36 pm by Joel Bolstein
  Up until now, in the case of a remediation attaining the Site Specific Standard with off-site migration (or the non-use aquifer SWHS), the Department would require a post remediation care plan and annual compliance reporting by the property owner on whether the affected downgradient properties continued to be on public water. [read post]
13 Oct 2010, 10:32 am by Joel Bolstein
  If there is no SWHS for chloride in soil to select, how can the Department mandate that you remediate it? [read post]
30 Aug 2006, 2:17 pm
This is an August 30, 2006 update and revision of our February 14, 2004 posting Latvia - Government and Law Websites - in Latvian, English, Russian, German and/or French languages. [read post]