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20 Feb 2012, 7:42 am by tgatton
Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
15 Feb 2012, 9:29 am by tgatton
You will be redirected to your course list Again, select the course “Legal Research Skills Certificate” Select the “Sign-up sheets” link on the left hand column Choose the course you would like to attend Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton, at [read post]
19 Apr 2012, 11:47 am by tgatton
You will be redirected to your course list Again, select the course “Legal Research Skills Certificate” Select the “Sign-up sheets” link on the left hand column Choose the course you would like to attend Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 8:08 am by tgatton
You will be redirected to your course list Again, select the course “Legal Research Skills Certificate” Select the “Sign-up sheets” link on the left hand column Choose the course you would like to attend Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
12 Mar 2012, 10:20 am by tgatton
You will be redirected to your course list Again, select the course “Legal Research Skills Certificate” Select the “Sign-up sheets” link on the left hand column Choose the course you would like to attend Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
27 Feb 2012, 9:30 am by tgatton
Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
5 Mar 2012, 9:16 am by tgatton
You will be redirected to your course list Again, select the course “Legal Research Skills Certificate” Select the “Sign-up sheets” link on the left hand column Choose the course you would like to attend Choose the time and select “Sign Up” Please visit the Certificate’s webpage or email Timothy Gatton at [read post]
8 Oct 2012, 7:10 am by tgatton
  Please feel free to stop by my office (inside the Reference Wing, 1 North) or send an e-mail to if you have any questions or need additional information. [read post]
18 Oct 2012, 12:57 pm by tgatton
  Please feel free to stop by my office (inside the Reference Wing, 1 North) or send an e-mail to if you have any questions or need additional information. [read post]
29 Oct 2012, 10:36 am by tgatton
  Please feel free to stop by Tim Gatton’s office (inside the Reference Wing, 1 North) or send an e-mail to if you have any questions or need additional information. [read post]