Posts tagged with: "Zoning+and+Land+Use+Law" Results 2841 - 2860 of 3,464
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19 Jul 2010, 3:37 pm by Steven M. Taber
Archives can be found there and on our blog, The Environmental Law and Climate Change Law Blog. [read post]
9 Aug 2012, 2:30 am by Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton
In the article they confirm what I said months ago and again here, Allies, Mentors and Masterminds, from inside and outside your comfort zone and zone of influence, are crucial. [read post]
21 Oct 2018, 4:38 pm by Sean Hayes
Unlike most Peace Corps volunteers who later go on to work in some kind of government work such as at the State Department, in education or at a nongovernmental organization, a minority of us pursue careers in business and law. [read post]
10 Apr 2020, 6:00 am by Aaron S. Marines
He received his law degree from Widener University and practices in a variety of areas including Business, Commercial Real Estate, Land Use, Land Planning and Zoning matters. [read post]
26 Sep 2011, 10:35 am by Abbott & Kindermann
Originally zoned for 974 homes, the developer went through an EIR for purposes of annexation and an updated land plan. [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 9:08 pm by Dan
Unlike, say, the United States or Israel, it was not said to be the land chosen by a God, but rather the chosen land by virtue of the sheer brilliance of its civilization. [read post]
23 May 2010, 7:37 pm by Silverberg Zalantis LLP
The review by the County staff found compliance with the objective criteria but also found the project to be "incompatible with the surrounding area, an over-intensive use of the land, likely to cause undue traffic congestion, and likely detrimental to the welfare of the residents of Boulder County." [read post]
28 Jan 2011, 11:24 am by Eugene Volokh
Auth., 656 A.2d 1200, 1201 (Me. 1995) (holding such a lease condition to be preempted by state firearms law); Stipulation Re Settlement, Doe v. [read post]
9 Feb 2024, 5:00 pm
Tell us why you believe the United States might strike Russia out of the blue. [read post]
21 Mar 2017, 10:55 am by Miriam Seifter
He urged the court to adopt a test involving “one straightforward question: Is the land lot at issue completely separate from any other land under State law? [read post]
6 Oct 2015, 1:40 pm by Larry Tolchinsky
The purchase agreement also had the protective provision that the seller warranted as of the time of closing, there were no violations of “land use plans, zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority …. [read post]
9 Aug 2011, 4:13 pm by Elizabeth Price Foley
In Lopez, the Court invalidated a federal law that criminalized carrying a gun near a school zone. [read post]
24 Jul 2014, 2:08 pm by Eric Goldman
Trademark owners’ objections seem to have more to do with objections to free riding than with the zone of interests currently protected by U.S. trademark law” * Patently-O Guest Post by Prof. [read post]
29 Jun 2010, 12:53 am by Aoife Nolan
In particular, practices such as land banking (leaving land dormant in the expectation that it will be zoned for development, multiplying its market value) must be tackled. [read post]
29 Apr 2022, 8:50 am by Tess Bridgeman
-Russia agreement to establish a 55-kilometer “deconfliction zone” surrounding the base. [read post]
13 Apr 2023, 9:28 am by Berry Law
After the war, the military discontinued its use of Agent Orange, although the chemical was still stored at various US military bases both inside and outside the US. [read post]