Posts tagged with: "business" Results 281 - 300 of 394,397
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11 Feb 2025, 9:46 am by Wiggam Law
The IRS can levy various types of assets, including wages, bank accounts, business assets, and even physical property like cars or homes. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 9:39 am by Heidi Sease Nebel
  Is this confidential proprietary information now freely available to an unvetted agency made up of technology based business executives from the private sector? [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 9:39 am by Wolfson & Leon
When visiting Florida for business or pleasure, many travelers rely on rideshare services for convenient transportation to hotels, conference centers, tourist attractions, and restaurants. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 9:35 am by Catherine Reach
Perfect for busy legal professionals hungry for efficiency, it’s your bite-sized guide to mastering modern tech tools! [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 9:30 am by Richard Reibstein Esq.
” It should not distract businesses from taking the types of steps noted below to enhance their IC compliance, which will minimize the likelihood of being sued and better position themselves to survive any legal challenge to their IC business model. [read post]
When calculating the actual amount of annual supervisory fees, ESMA will monitor CTPs’ revenues on an ongoing basis to ensure a proportionate approach that does not jeopardise their business viability and is in principle in line with the full cost recovery principle. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 8:55 am by Barsumian Armiger
The ten factors courts look at in distinguishing an employee from an independent contractor are:  the extent of control which, by the agreement, the master may exercise over the details of the work; whether or not the one employed is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; the kind of occupation, with reference to whether, in the locality, the work is usually done under the direction of the employer or by a specialist without supervision; the skill required in the… [read post]
Veliaj, who first took office as mayor in 2015 and was re-elected to his third term in May 2023 under the ruling Socialist party is accused of misappropriating at least $ 1.1 Million by channeling public funds to businesses that provided illicit benefits to him and his family. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 7:52 am by Gaston Kroub
GK: Sticking up for your IP rights can be a challenge for a small business owner. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 7:43 am by Frank Fagan
Stern Business) has posted “How Corporate Boards Must Approach AI Governance” on SSRN. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 6:45 am by Nicole Pottroff
And a joint venture made up of only small business venturers only pursuing small business set-asides can follow this business practice—or any business practice—to divide up its profits (limited only by any applicable state, local, or Tribal law). [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 6:43 am by George Ticoras, Esq.
” The order states there is “overexpansive and unpredictable” enforcement “for routine business practices in other nations. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 6:33 am by Staff Attorney
According to a BrokerCheck reports most of the recent customer complaints concern either corporate debt securities or alternative investments such as direct participation products (DPPs) like business development companies (BDCs), non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs), oil & gas programs, annuities, and private placements. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 6:22 am by admin
  Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Warehouses: There are companies who offer warehouse services to other businesses for a profit. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 5:45 am by Lazar Radic
Not only is this inconvenient for consumers, but it has important ramifications for business users. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 4:30 am by Eric B. Meyer
Firings are part of business operations, but ensuring your reasons are consistent and well-documented can help you avoid an expensive day in court. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 4:04 am by Family Law
From BBC News: Family life is busy for Israr Hussain and his wife, Tasleem Akhtar, who have four daughters between the ages of five and 15. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 3:47 am
As to the investigation, Avalon's counsel testified that he conducted searches of various state (Pennsylvania) and local (Philadelphia) records and found no reference to Kilson or his business. [read post]
11 Feb 2025, 3:07 am by musicandcopyright
Few African collective management organizations (CMOs) provide much insight into their business activities. [read post]