Posts tagged with: "business" Results 681 - 700 of 395,686
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13 Feb 2020, 6:00 am by Benjamin P. Edwards
Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law now has a new business law journal, the Corporate and Business Law Journal. [read post]
23 Aug 2016, 7:52 am by Cathy Moran
The results are often fatal to the business. [read post]
16 Dec 2019, 6:20 am by Geoffrey G. Gussis, Esq.
Tax deductibility for small businesses is a pressing concern in New Jersey, and the New Jersey Business and Industry Association is throwing its weight behind a bill to preserve this benefit for small businesses. [read post]
14 Oct 2008, 8:38 am
Updating a Classic: Writing a Great Business Plan â€â [read post]
27 Sep 2022, 5:30 am by Danielle Lin
Business debt is debt that arises from the operation of your business. [read post]
3 Aug 2017, 2:37 pm by Joseph Rust
Own a Company but operating your business under a different name than originally used to form the business? [read post]
3 Dec 2012, 12:57 pm
The business concierge service allows business owners to ask questions to get pointed in the right direction. [read post]
20 Aug 2015, 3:20 am by Sean Hayes
  The farmers don’t even want to be in this business. [read post]
6 Jan 2010, 12:53 pm
Video Business magazine, a definitive chronicler of the home video business for 29 years and a sister publication of Variety (parent co. is Reed Business), is closing its doors after 29 years, effective this week. [read post]
28 Aug 2016, 8:18 am by Ettinger Law Firm
While family businesses may be a truly family affair, with children working, operating and managing the business as well as the parents, it is a fact of life that not all of the children may be interested or suited to taking ownership of the business. [read post]
11 Jan 2024, 8:17 am by James Vann
We will look at a North Carolina law and a few Federal laws that could impact businesses and/or the business owners. [read post]
11 Jan 2016, 8:04 am by James Vann
As we talk with our business clients about strategy, business growth, business opportunities, etc., it becomes even more obvious that most business owners enjoy learning and enjoy the challenge of business management. [read post]
7 Oct 2014, 5:25 pm
Closely-held businesses often include family businesses or other small businesses whereby a spouse is a sole proprietor, shareholder or stockholder, partner, or otherwise owns a financial or ownership interest in the business. [read post]
3 May 2009, 1:51 am
I agree with Rush on Business that Avoid These 11 Common Mistakes of Small Business Owners deserves republishing but I would add one: "On the Texas Small Business Law Blog there is an helpful post on the common mistakes made by small business owners. [read post]
6 Apr 2007, 12:39 pm
There’s a nice article in last Friday’s New York Times titled Too Busy to Notice You’re Too Busy. [read post]
6 May 2020, 9:20 am by Kevin Kaufman
Inventory taxes are levied regardless of whether a business makes a profit, adding to the burden of businesses already struggling to stay afloat. [read post]