Posts tagged with: "copyright" Results 3141 - 3160 of 94,862
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10 Oct 2010, 7:29 am by Brian Scott
It may sound insignificant, but those ringtones or that music is under copyright and it's illegal to record or distribute copyrighted work without permission from the copyright owner.I have compiled a list of just some of the copyrighted sounds we hear regularly and may accidentally capture when recording sound effects:1. [read post]
14 Nov 2010, 5:51 am by Brian Scott
It may sound insignificant, but those ringtones or that music is under copyright and it's illegal to record or distribute copyrighted work without permission from the copyright owner.I have compiled a list of just some of the copyrighted sounds we hear regularly and may accidentally capture when recording sound effects:1. [read post]
23 Jan 2012, 11:39 am by Naomi Jane Gray
Copyright Office within two years of restoration, or by actually notifying the reliance party. [read post]
7 Jan 2008, 12:29 am
"HK(Disclosure - I have acted for Best Buy Canada and Future Shop at the Copyright Board and in the Courts on the private copying levy file.) [read post]
17 May 2012, 3:34 pm by John Whitaker
 For instance, some copyright owners are calling it negligence to leave your wi-fi router open. [read post]
19 Dec 2007, 8:30 am
Bell (Chapman): When you infringe a copyright, you can admit to breaking the law without also admitting to violating a natural right. [read post]
15 Sep 2008, 2:49 pm
Sag, DePaul College of Law, has published "Copyright and Copy-Reliant Technology. [read post]
28 Jan 2011, 7:19 am by palfrey
  What, after all, is collective management of copyright? [read post]
If your business creates copyrighted material, read on to understand how the decision could affect you. [read post]
22 Mar 2009, 6:29 pm
Robert Brauneis, George Washington University Law School, has posted The Transformation of Originality in the Progressive-Era Debate Over Copyright in News. [read post]
3 May 2007, 3:08 am
Galactic Interactions : Copyright and scientific papers by ROB KNOP Galactic Interactions (Science blogs), publication date: 1 May 2007 "Scientists do not need, and indeed should not have, exclusive (or any) control over who can copy their papers, and who can make derivative works of their papers. [read post]
25 Jan 2009, 2:47 am
The Difference between Copyright and Rights in Performances" 23 Aug 2005). [read post]
17 Mar 2012, 10:25 am by Harold O'Grady
Manta has posted Reasonable Copyright (Boston College Law Review, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
18 Mar 2008, 5:53 am
Maybe, but copyright as a whole has yet to arrive, as detailed by Overheard in the Office: Legal eagle #1: What's this little 'C' in a circle next to a year supposed to mean? [read post]
24 Jul 2019, 7:47 am by Howard Friedman
., (MD PA, July 22, 2019), a Pennsylvania federal district court refused to dismiss counterclaims or strike defenses in a copyright infringement suit between two religious organizations. [read post]
8 Dec 2007, 9:46 pm by Claire
Seeking copyright parityby PAUL SWEETINGVideo Business, publication date:7 December 2007 "“[I]t seems clear that it is nothing more than a vehicle to enable the five major media companies to further harass and persecute Americans,” LiveDigital’s Jeremy Toeman wrote in a widely linked open letter to House Speaker Rep. [read post]
3 Jun 2010, 7:40 am by Lorraine Fleck
The Canadian government introduced a long awaited copyright reform bill yesterday. [read post]