Posts tagged with: "cuso" Results 41 - 60 of 65
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20 Jun 2011, 5:50 am by Rob Rutkowski
Some examples might include broker relationships, financial planner relationships, insurance agent relationships and CUSOs created for a variety of purposes. [read post]
  Here are the topics: --Managing 3rd party relationships--FACTA from the CUSO Perspective --Dealing with requests to change how you report an account to a Consumer Reporting Agency. [read post]
17 Jul 2010, 7:33 am by StephanieWestAllen
"I remember my mother telling me, 'When you give, you find out that you receive much more,' and it's so true," she said.But her early efforts to volunteer with CUSO -- Canadian University Service Overseas, an international-aid organization -- were sidelined, first by schooling, as she followed up a BA with a master's degree from McGill University and PhD from the Universite de Montreal, then by marriage and children. [read post]
21 Aug 2018, 5:20 am by Silver Law Group
Securities, LLC   Robert Lee Maupin   Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC   Cuso Financial Services, L.P. [read post]
7 Apr 2010, 11:37 am by Mala Mason
  Finally, Bellco is a co-owner of CUILA, an indirect lending CUSO. [read post]
9 Nov 2008, 3:54 pm
Since I live in Ottawa, I am familiar with VSO and CUSO as volunteer organizations with good reputations. [read post]
10 Nov 2008, 10:01 pm
Since I live in Ottawa, I am familiar with VSO and CUSO as volunteer organizations with good reputations. [read post]
30 Oct 2010, 6:12 am by Rob Rutkowski
 Reg-flex Loses Some Flexibility  The Latest Approved CUSO Service: Taxi Cab Medallion Broker  Corporate Credit Union “Bailout” Gives Banks a “Reason” to Put the Credit Union Tax Exemption Back on the Chopping  Block–Seriously?? [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 11:23 am
Reed Theodore Johnson with CUSO Financial Services in San Diego, California, was fined $7,500 and suspended from association with any FINRA member in any principal capacity for 10 business days for allegedly approving the unsuitable sale of securities by a broker under his supervision. [read post]
28 Feb 2010, 4:30 pm by Rob Rutkowski
  Here are the topics: –Managing 3rd party relationships –FACTA from the CUSO Perspective –Dealing with requests to change how you report an account to a Consumer Reporting Agency. [read post]
6 Jul 2007, 5:45 am
  Some leagues work with vendors directly, others offer CUSOs. [read post]
1 Jun 2010, 10:23 am by Brett Alcala
Reed Theodore Johnson with CUSO Financial Services in San Diego, California, was fined $7,500 and suspended from association with any FINRA member in any principal capacity for 10 business days for allegedly approving the unsuitable sale of securities by a broker under his supervision. [read post]
5 Apr 2023, 6:02 am by José Guillermo
la pregunta al gran martirizador (CORTE SUPERIOR DE JUSTICIA DEL CUSO) con su "edecan"BELLOTA GUZMÁN JUDITH ANDREA  se respondera "CUANDO NOS DE LA GANA"Adjunto el cuadro de seguimiento de Expediente, OBTENIDO HACE UNOS INSTANTES:Expediente N°:00200-2021-0-1015-JP-FC-01Órgano Jurisdiccional:1° JUZGADO DE PAZ LETRADO - Sede UrubambaDistrito Judicial:CUSCOJuez:BELLOTA GUZMAN JUDITH ANDREAEspecialista Legal:LIA HANCCO LUZAFecha de… [read post]
10 Aug 2010, 2:00 am by Mala Mason
I think this would be a great project for an i3 group or some other innovative CUSO or credit union. [read post]
27 Sep 2010, 2:00 am by Mala Mason
Credit unions are already great at forming CUSO’s to provide anything from accounting services, to back office services, to BSA compliance, to data processing. [read post]
16 Jan 2012, 1:15 am by Rob Rutkowski
  It includes forming CUSOs that aren’t on the approved list but that turn out to be fantastic business ideas. [read post]
12 Apr 2013, 6:39 am by Rob Rutkowski
  I wonder if a trust CUSO in Ohio catering to this sort of thing would be viable? [read post]