Posts tagged with: "dmca+notices" Results 81 - 100 of 8,884
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27 Oct 2023, 4:47 am by Rebecca Tushnet
(You know, the way there is on Wikipedia and Ravelry and all those other DMCA-compliant sites.) [read post]
25 Oct 2023, 5:48 pm by Evan Brown
Plaintiff’s argument apparently went something like this: “We made YouTube aware of the infringement by sending a DMCA takedown notice. [read post]
23 Oct 2023, 11:15 am by Steve Brachmann
Copyright Office issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NRPM) in the Federal Register as part of the triennial rulemaking process for exceptions to 17 U.S.C. [read post]
23 Oct 2023, 11:15 am by Steve Brachmann
Copyright Office issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NRPM) in the Federal Register as part of the triennial rulemaking process for exceptions to 17 U.S.C. [read post]
19 Sep 2023, 7:58 am by Karina Lytvynska
By Atreya Mathur With the advent of technology, artificial intelligence, new means to create art, and the many copyright, contractual, and ownership issues that arise from it all, it’s interesting to think about what creatives can do with the law and without it to protect better (or monetize) their work. [read post]
19 Sep 2023, 2:56 am by Erica Canas
Under the DMCA, an OSP must appoint a designated agent to receive and respond to DMCA takedown notices in order to avoid liability for copyright infringement. [read post]
6 Sep 2023, 8:32 am by Jonathan Bailey
Destiny 2 cheater settles with Bungie, Sony targets TV museum with DMCA notices and Copyright Office rejects another AI work. [read post]
22 Aug 2023, 4:05 pm by Lawrence Solum
This would in practice require such companies to implement a “notice-and-blocking” system, loosely similar to “notice-and-takedown” systems required under the DMCA as to copyright and trademark infringements. [read post]
21 Aug 2023, 2:32 am by centerforartlaw
Ripps has faced past claims under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and allegations of artistic plagiarism.[2] In or around spring of 2022, Ripps began making NFTs called “Ryder Ripps Bored Ape Yacht Club” (RR/BAYC) with blockchain pointers referencing BAYC. [read post]
16 Aug 2023, 8:22 am by Eric Goldman
DMCA Section 512(c), the notice-and-takedown provision, codifies a simple paradigm. [read post]
12 Aug 2023, 5:01 am by Eugene Volokh
This would in practice require such companies to implement a "notice-and-blocking" system, loosely similar to "notice-and-takedown" systems required under the DMCA as to copyright and trademark infringements. [read post]
30 Jul 2023, 1:27 pm by Thomas James
The complaint sets forth claims of copyright infringement, DMCA violations, and unfair competition. [read post]
25 Jul 2023, 11:02 am by Eric Goldman
Compare the elements of a DMCA copyright takedown notice in 512(c)(3), which thwarts a lot of copyright owner bluster and misdirection. [read post]
18 Jul 2023, 9:14 am by Jonathan Bailey
Internet Archive filed DMCA notice with GitHub, the AP reaches deal with OpenAI and FIFTY FIFTY royalties for Cupid on hold pending dispute. [read post]
30 Jun 2023, 2:11 am by Rebecca Tushnet
VLOP definition versus “sites that actually have the problems against which the DSA is directed”—not only fashion sites; nonprofits as a special issue—Wikipedia, Internet Archive, AO3 which does not recommend anything; compare to DMCA Classic and DMCA Plus, where some large entities have repeated © issues and lots of valid notices and others simply don’t—DMCA is a reasonable system for most of them: Etsy has problems, but… [read post]
17 Jun 2023, 7:08 am by Eric Goldman
Specifically, the court granted Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss on the CCPA, tortious interference, false designation of origin, fraud, breach of terms of service, unfair competition, negligence, and civil conspiracy claims (only the last of these was dismissed with prejudice); the court denied Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss on the DMCA Section 1201(b)(1), Section 1201(b)(3), and breach of license agreement claims. [read post]
14 Jun 2023, 1:05 pm by Danielle Brooks and Jonathan Mollod
As a result, Irwin advocated for their creations to be licensed to AI applications and for certain laws to be amended to protect copyright holders (e.g., antitrust laws to allow for collective licensing to AI developers, DMCA CMI reform to clarify violations for AI-created works and an amendment of the Copyright Act to exclude AI-generated works from copyright protection). [read post]