December 2006 California Top Blawgs
Covers CAFA, class certification, employment law, FCRA, FDCPA and multidistrict litigation. By Michael J. Hassen.
Covers California's Unfair Competition Law. By Kimberly A. Kralowec.
Covers California wage and hour law. By Walsh & Walsh.
Covers celebrity marriages, child custody, child support, divorce, paternity, prenuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, remarriage and taxes. By Jeffrey Lalloway.
Cal Law blog.
News and comment on California insurance law, the politics of insurance, and other risky business. By George Wallace.
Covers biker and motorcycle legal issues, safety tips, motorcycle ride reports and personal injury information. By Norman Gregory Fernandez.
Covers asbestos, biomonitoring, CERCLA, endangered species, EPA, ethanol, global warming, and toxic torts. By Stephen Holzer.
Features ideas and thoughts on servicing business clients as valued customers in American law firms. By Dan Hull.
Covers legal news and observations. By J. Craig Williams.
Covers business bankruptcy issues and developments. From Cooley Godward Kronish LLP's Bob Eisenbach.
Covers car accidents, dog bites, injuries, insurance disputes, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents and wills and trusts. By Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie.
Covers condo hotels, finance, land use, management agreements, and outlooks and trends. By Jim Butler of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP.
Discusses consumer law, class action lawsuits, advertising law, business law, copyright, and other topics. By Khorrami, LLP.
Discourse on California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act from an employee rights attorney’s point of view. By M. Greg Mullanax.
Covers California employment and injury law. By Liberty Law.
Covers California business law.
Covers workplace harassment in California. By Bitton & Associates.
Covers practice tips and new legal developments of particular interest to California legal professionals. The CEB blog covers a wide range of practice areas from estate planning to civil litigation, along with posts relating to the practice of law generally.
Covers recent decisions of the California Courts that are of interest to the civil litigation practitioner. By Pamela Fasick.