July 2009 University of San Diego School of Law Top Blawgs
By Professors John Dzienkowski, Brad Wendel, John Steele, David Hricik, Andrew Perlman, David McGowan, Laura Appleman, Steve Lubet, Anita Bernstein, Don Burnett, and Steve Berenson..
Thoughts from San Diego on law, politics, and culture. By Thomas A. Smith.
Thoughts on recent Ninth Circuit and California appellate cases, by University of San Diego School of Law Professor Shaun Martin.
An interdisciplinary forum for legal and ethical issues related to the brain and cognition. By University of San Diego School of Law Professor Adam Kolber.
Criminal law issues and commentary. Edited by Kevin Cole, Lawrence A. Alexander, Donald A. Dripps, Yale Kamisar, Adam J. Kolber, and Jean Ramirez.
Covers federal and state laws and cases affecting non-profits. Edited by David A. Brennen, Darryll K. Jones, Johnny Rex Buckles, John D. Colombo, Susan N. Gary, Vaughn E. James, Thomas A. Kelley III, Lloyd H. Mayer, Nancy A. McLaughlin, Nicholas A. Mirkay, Karla W. Simon, Sophie E. Smyth, Alice M. Thomas, Elaine Waterhouse Wilson, and Miranda Perry Fleischer.
Covers the legal research center, legal news and legal research resources. By John Adkins.