December 2010 Legal Marketing Top Blawgs
Covers law firm marketing, including advertising, blogging and sales.
Trends and techniques. By Jim Hassett.
Covers clients development and law practice management. By Allison Shields.
Cover legal marketing. In Spanish.
Covers knowledge management, internet marketing and library sciences. By Greg Lambert, Lisa Salazar and Toby Brown.
Blogging resources, ideas and news for law firm bloggers. By Kevin O'Keefe.
Covers law practice management, marketing, technology and legal careers.
Discusses the use of social media by the legal profession. By David A. Barrett.
For lawyers and law firms looking to create better practices and better business. By Simon Tupman.
Covers strategy, management and client relations. By David Maister.
Covers building the law firm of the future, enabling lawyers to meet in person or in cyberspace, accessing resources and information over the Internet, and leveraging systems and tools. By Roger P. Glovsky.
Covers the marketing of expert witness services to attorneys, companies and insurers.
Covers law firm business development and marketing. By Lance Godard.
Law Firm Business Development Advice and Discussion. By Micah Buchdahl.
Covers internet marketing and law firm web designs.
Covers legal sales, service, strategy and success. By Silvia Coulter.
Covers marketing, productivity, personal development, and wealth creation.
Covers attorney advertising on TV, radio, billboards, yellow pages, Internet and vanity phone numbers. By Philip L. Franckel.
Tracking new and intriguing Web sites for the legal profession.
Covers legal marketing. By WordPrESQ.