August 2011 California Top Blawgs
Provides insights into business and intellectual property issues.
Covers celebrity marriages, child custody, child support, divorce, paternity, prenuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, remarriage and taxes. By Jeffrey Lalloway.
Covers class action issues, both in California and Nationwide. By Matt C. Bailey.
Features an appellate practitioner's take on practice and legal developments in the California Courts of Appeal, the California Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. By Greg May.
Covers a wide range of business litigation issues in the Southern California area. By Sylvester, Oppenheim, & Linde.
Covers recent happenings in the world of environmental and climate change law. By Steven M. Taber.
The Guru's meditations and musings on Immigration Law. By Larry Liem Doan.
Covers mediation and negotiations. By Steve Mehta.
By Adrianos Facchetti.
Covers California wage and hour law. By Walsh & Walsh.
Covers California's Unfair Competition Law. By Kimberly A. Kralowec.
Covers vehicle accidents, clergy abuse, personal injury and wrongful death. By Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys.
Covers biker and motorcycle legal issues, safety tips, motorcycle ride reports and personal injury information. By Norman Gregory Fernandez.
Covers land use, environmental, and real estate law in California.
Discusses news in the Copyright and Fair Use industry, as well as updates to the Stanford Copyright and Fair Use site.
Features ideas and thoughts on servicing business clients as valued customers in American law firms. By Dan Hull.
Covers move away rights, obtaining or defending support applications and enforcing support orders, characterizing and dividing community property, and custody and visitation rights. By Thurman W. Arnold III.
Covers copyrights, cyberspace law, music, patents, privacy, trade secrets and trademarks. By Weintraub Genshlea Chediak.
Cal Law blog.
Covers bankruptcy, fraud and criminal tax, offer in compromise, and other tax news and updates. By Victor Yoo of the Tax Lawyers Group.