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December 2011 Top Blawgs
Distilling a million label approvals down to the ones that affect you. Tracks legal trends in beer, wine and spirits product approvals. By Lehrman Beverage Law.
Covers a wide range of business litigation issues in the Southern California area. By Sylvester, Oppenheim, & Linde.
Covers compliance, corporate governance, management, regulations, tactics and technology.
Blogging resources, ideas and news for law firm bloggers. By Kevin O'Keefe.
Covers recent developments affecting business law. From the University of Illinois College of Law.
Reports on judicial decisions of significance to business and shareholders. By Mack Sperling of Brooks Pierce LLP.
Resource for in-house counsel, business executives, human resource managers and others who monitor litigation and legal issues affecting Oregon businesses. By Ater Wynne.
Covers news and updates in business litigation, IP, trademark, copyright law. By BerlikLaw, LLC.
Covers appellate law and advocacy.
Covers estate planning, probate, taxes, elder law, business law and employment law issues. By Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC.