December 2011 Texas Top Blawgs
From the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas.
Devoted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, with special emphasis on patent litigation. By Michael C. Smith.
From the Dallas Association of Law Librarians.
Covers news and opinions from the Texas Supreme Court. By Shawn Rabin.
By Richard G Grant PC.
By Brett A. Podolsky.
Covers employment law and discrimination issues. By the McKinney Law Firm.
Covers copyright infringement issues.
Reviews some of his Texas and Federal criminal cases, criminal defense experience, and nuances in criminal law.
Covers estate planning.
Ruminations and commentary on recent developments in the law regarding white collar crime and complex commercial litigation.
Covers the defense of accessibility claims under the ADA and FHA. By Richard Hunt.
Covers accounting/auditing, commercial lending, credit unions, electronic banking, privacy, RESPA and stocks. By Kevin Funnell.
By Rand Mintzer.
By Justin T. Surginer.
By Mukerji Law Firm.
Discusses Texas criminal laws, types of criminal cases, and trials in the news.
Reports on new Texas criminal laws, statutes, and current trials in the news.
Focuses on federal and state landmark cases and current criminal defense litigation, cases and notable crimes in Dallas, Texas.
Covers personal injury law in Houston, TX.