February 2011 Intellectual Property Law Top Blawgs
Covers constitutional law, copyright/technology, corporate law, criminal law, free speech, genetic testing, international law, national security and more.
Listen to lectures by and discussions with the faculty of the University of Chicago Law School.
Covers content theft, plagiarism, and copyright issues on the Web. By Jonathan Bailey.
KZSU-FM (Stanford) Tech/Law Talk Show. Hosted by Dave Levine.
Covers patents, trademark, copyright, and business law. By Leyendecker & Lemire.
Denise Howell and guests discuss technology law. From the TWiT netcast network.
The Art of Technology
Comments on Internet law issues including hacking, intellectual property infringment, spam, free speech and regulatory matters. By John W. Dozier, Jr.
Covers issues pertaining to trademarks, copyrights, patents and starting a business. By Shannon Moore.
Discuss current copyright/internet law issues. By Derek Slater.
Tracks copyright related policy & technology developments in Japan. By Andreas Bovens.
Intellectual property news affecting business and everyday life. From patent lawyer Lawrence B. Ebert.
Bibliography of current articles on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the TEACH act and other copyright issues. Maintained by Claire Stewart, Northwestern University Library. With contributions from Paul Clough, Stu Baker and Brian Nielsen.
Covers search engines and copyright issues.
Covers emerging patent developments in the areas of microelectromechanical systems and nanotechnology. By Blaise Mouttet.
Covers laws which regulates actions or events that transcend national frontiers, including human rights, environmental law, immigration, intellectual property and space law. By Derek Deavenport, John Dermody, Travis Hodgkins and Christine Ngo.
Bibliography of current articles on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Teach Act and other copyright issues. By M. Claire Stewart.
Covers contingent fee, alternative billing, copyright lawsuits and patent lawsuits. By Mann Law Group.
Covers law, culture and the use of intellectual property by scholars, teachers, students and librarians. By Elizabeth Townsend Gard.
Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.