February 2011 Minnesota Top Blawgs
Covers trademark, copyright and entertainment law. By Kenneth L. Kunkle.
Minnesota Lawyer Magazine's Blog, featuring Minnesota Legal News.
Collaborative blog on advertising, intellectual property, and marketing.
Covers legal developments for civil litigators in Minnesota. By Seth Leventhal.
Provides immigration law and criminal law information in Spanish. By Tamara Caban-Ramirez.
Covers parenting, alimony, child support, divorce and more. By Gerald O. Williams.
Covers administrative law and the public sector. By E.L. Lipman.
Discusses social security disability benefits for injured and disabled Minnesotans. By Thomas Atkinson.
Covers Minnesota criminal law.
Feature information and updates on Minnesota divorce and family law issues. By Brown Law Offices, PA.
Covers Minnesota criminal law topics. By Thomas Gallagher.
Covers aviation law, safety and security. By Reigel & Associates Ltd.
Provides information and commentary for local legal professionals and lay persons on local legal news, neighborhood happenings, self-help resources, information about our collection materials, and other other legal tools and resources
News and Cases of Note Affecting Eighth Circuit Criminal Practice. By JaneAnne Murray.
Covers Minnesota family law.
Covers issues related to DUI/DWI, and criminal defense in Minnesota and the surrounding Midwest.
Discusses alcohol-related crimes and their defenses with a concentration on Minnesota.
The official repository of the "Minnesota Judicial Training Updates," which provides judicial tips for judges and attorneys.
Covers Minnesota workers' compensation laws.
Covers criminal court cases including D.U.I., drug law, assaults and other issues. By Joel Heiligman.