February 2011 Texas Top Blawgs
Devoted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, with special emphasis on patent litigation. By Michael C. Smith.
Observations on developments in law, business, medicine, culture, sports, and other matters of general interest to the Houston business, professional, and academic communities. Published by Houston attorney Tom Kirkendall.
An exploration of family law In Texas. By Sean Y. Palmer.
Covers broker fraud, investor fraud, marketing timing, and securities fraud. By Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas.
Covers news and opinions from the Texas Supreme Court. By Shawn Rabin.
Covers veterans affairs, consumer law, and other legal topics catering to U.S. military veterans. By the Law Offices of Robert B. Goss, P.C.
By Gary Howell.
Covers medical licensing, medical malpractice and nursing home abuse. By Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm.
Covers listing decisions, critical habitats and endangered species litigation. By Nossaman LLP.
Covers Texas divorce and family law. By Scott Morgan.
Covers the rights of individuals injured in accidents. By the Fears Nachawati Law Firm.
Covers patent infringement and litigation.
Covers medical malpractice and injury law. By Reyes Browne Reilley Law Firm.
Covers Texas criminal law topics, including drug crimes, sexual assault, and the death penalty. By John Floyd and Mr. Billy Sinclair.
Musings on Trademark Law From a Decidedly Texas Perspective. By Christopher L. Graff.
Covers the Texas Supreme Court. By Wolfgang P. Hirczy de Miño.
Covers Texas personal injury news and information. By E. Michael Grossman.
Covers Texas construction accidents and workplace safety. By E. Michael Grossman.
Provides news and opinions on immigration law and policy. By Susan I. Nelson.
Covers news, developments, appellate court decisions and supreme court case law addressing issues of arbitration, mediation, and other means of nonjudicial conflict resolution and settlement. By Wolfgang Demino.