March 2011 Criminal Law Top Blawgs
Covers best practices in the criminal justice system. By Steve Hall.
Covers criminal law, information technology and news for law librarians. By David Badertscher.
Covers fraud and forensic accounting, including tax fraud and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. By Tracy Coenen.
Covers family law, criminal law, and social security SSD/SSI ssues in Ohio. By the Law Offices of John T. Nicholson.
Covers developments in juvenile justice. By Mark Sorkin.
Provides liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news.
Covers criminal defense law. By Mark Bennett.
Discusses the Nevada Supreme Court and criminal law in Nevada. By JoNell Thomas.
Covers Virginia drunk driving, reckless driving and speeding offenses.
Covers the political, economic and social consequences of crime, punishment and justice in the Lone Star State. By Scott Henson.
Covers violations of international humanitarian law, and international attempts to end individual impunity for heinous crimes. Includes review of international tribunals such as ICC, ICTY, and ICTR.
Covers constitutional law, criminal law, DUI, drugs, First Amendment and immigration. By Jon Katz, P.C.
Covers human rights, humanitarian law and international criminal law. By Nicki Boldt, Bjoern Elberling and Tobias Thienel.
Covers family law and criminal law in Canada. By Georgialee Lang.
Provides commentary on criminal law, civil liberties and jurisprudence. By Jeffrey Gamso.
Features analysis of recent legislation and case law impacting the successful pursuit of False Claims Act qui tam actions involving Medicare and Medicaid fraud. By Daniel W. Whitney.
Features a skeptical lawyer's take on financial reform, Wall Street and white collar crime.
Covers life in California, law, food, and politics. By Transplanted Lawyer.
By Douglas A. Berman.
Criminal law issues and commentary. Edited by Kevin Cole, Lawrence A. Alexander, Donald A. Dripps, Yale Kamisar, Adam J. Kolber, and Jean Ramirez.