November 2011 Government Law Top Blawgs
Covers professional licensing matters and related regulatory issues for health care professionals. By the Leichter Law Firm.
A discussion of the latest Freedom of Information Act decisions of the United Kingdom's Information Commissioner and the Information Tribunal.
Official blog of US EPA.
By University of Miami law professor Michael Froomkin. Covers civil liberties, the Internet, Guantanamo, Iraq attrocities, politics and more.
Covers important state and federal legislative history. From Legislative Intent Service, Inc.
Features news, tips, and information about Oregon legal research.
Covers adverse possession, environmental law, municipal law, zoning and land use. Published by Silverberg Zalantis LLC.
Covers disability and social security, elder law, and VA benefits.
Provides news and insight to counsel and legal observers concerning white collar criminal defense, internal investigations, government litigation and regulatory compliance. By Montgomery McCracken.
Covers government transparency, accountability and integrity. By Judicial Watch.
The official Americans United blog on legislation and activities of lawmakers.
Covers workers' compensation, injury, and government law. By Steinhardt, Siskind and Associates, LLC.
Provides commentary on current issues and developments in the field of whistleblower law and False Claims Act litigation. By the Rabon Law Firm, PLLC.
Covers whistleblower and government law. By JeffreyNewmanLaw.
Information and insight on the laws governing federal, state and local elections. By Michael E. Moritz College of Law Professor Dan Tokaji.
Covers administrative rulemaking processes and administrative law issues. For members of the Administrative Codes and Registers (ACR).
News, views and updates on the UK Freedom of Information Act, worldwide Freedom of Information and open government. Maintained by Steve Wood, Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University.
Covers real estate law.
Covers government contract bid protests. By Whitcomb, Selinsky, McAuliffe PC.
By Whitcomb, Selinsky, McAuliffe PC.