October 2011 Civil Rights Top Blawgs
Covers wiretaps, privacy, copyright, and free speech. By Jennifer Granick.
Protecting Native Nations for the Seventh Generation. News, views, and opinions about federal Indian law and tribal governance by law professors who teach in the field.
Covers feminism, sexism, reproductive rights and women's health. By Professors Ann Bartow and Bridget Crawford.
Articles and comments by attorneys and legal scholars, and related legal news. From Michael Ginsborg.
Covers feminism in Alaska, Alaskan and general family law policy, child and parent-raising, and the meaning of life.
Covers gay rights and the law.
Covers civil rights and constitutional law. From the ACLU.
By University of Toledo College of Law Professor Howard M. Friedman.
Covers abortion, contraception, pregnancy and fetal rights. By Caitlin E. Borgmann.
Covers legal issues facing Muslims in the United States.
Covers human rights, free speech, death penalty, LGBT rights, refugees and torture. From Amnesty International.
Covers the defense of accessibility claims under the ADA and FHA. By Richard Hunt.
Edited by Martha F. Davis, Margaret Drew, Lauren Bartlett, Carrie Bettinger Lopez, Leigh Goodmark, Brian Howe, Deena Hurwitz, Risa Kaufman, Sital Kilantry, Mariah McGill, Fran Quigley, Katherine Schultz, David Singleton, Cindy Soohoo, Jonathan Todrews, Penny Venetis and Lesley Wexler.
Edited by John Kang and Tracy A. Thomas.
Edited by Andrew M. Ironside.
Blog written by two LLM students on contemporary human rights and civil liberties issues in the UK.
Covers legislation, noteworthy cases and trends in enforcement. By Fox Rothschild LLP.
Discusses the intersection of civil rights, criminal defense, and police misconduct litigation, from the perspective of a NYC litigator. By Michael Lumer.
Covers school law, special education, bullying, school discipline and school-related First Amendment rights.
Covers detention in the war against terrorism. From New York Law School.