October 2011 International Law Top Blawgs
Covers current law and technology developments affecting business and society. By Nanyang Business School Professor Harry SK Tan.
Covers laws which regulates actions or events that transcend national frontiers, including human rights, environmental law, immigration, intellectual property and space law. By Derek Deavenport, John Dermody, Travis Hodgkins and Christine Ngo.
Covers international laws of war, international law, related human rights topics, international NGOs, and the theory of the just war. By Professor Kenneth Anderson.
Focuses on civil law developments throughout the world and general foreign, comparative and international law issues.
Covers Chinese law, business and society. By Tom Chow.
Covers violations of international humanitarian law, and international attempts to end individual impunity for heinous crimes. Includes review of international tribunals such as ICC, ICTY, and ICTR.
Covers American customs law and international trade law. By Lawrence Friedman.
Covers human rights, humanitarian law and international criminal law. By Nicki Boldt, Bjoern Elberling and Tobias Thienel.
Covers intellectual property in China.
Features voices on international law, policy and practice.
Covers cross-border legal issues impacting the internationalizing company and the in-house international legal function. Published by attorney David Laverty.
Covers international taxation.
Covers human rights, free speech, death penalty, LGBT rights, refugees and torture. From Amnesty International.
Covers intellectual property (IP) law topics, including copyright law, trademark law, patent licensing, patent enforcement, and inter party matters.
Legal news and analysis, with an emphasis on international and domestic intellectual property developments. By Shawn Sullivan.
Edited by Martha F. Davis, Margaret Drew, Lauren Bartlett, Carrie Bettinger Lopez, Leigh Goodmark, Brian Howe, Deena Hurwitz, Risa Kaufman, Sital Kilantry, Mariah McGill, Fran Quigley, Katherine Schultz, David Singleton, Cindy Soohoo, Jonathan Todrews, Penny Venetis and Lesley Wexler.
Edited by Shawn Marie Boyne, Monica Eppinger, Lissa Griffin and Shitong Qiao.
Focuses on China's highest court. By Susan Finder.
By Hill Wallack LLP.
Covers the history of both international and domestic wine laws and developing legal issues in the wine industry. By Lindsey A. Zahn.