October 2011 Canada Top Blawgs
Law school blog and podcast from Canada.
Covers technology and DRM. By Michael Geist.
Covers estate planning topics, trusts, probate, Enduring Powers of Attorney, health care directives, incapacity issues and elder law. By Lynne Butler.
Covers current trends and ideas in the areas of ADR and mediation. By Stephen Raymond.
A Canadian cooperative weblog on all things legal.
By Daniel Brown.
Covers court decisions involving Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Covers Canadian employment law issues. By Minken Employment Lawyers.
Discussion of Canadian wrongful dismissal cases and other employment law issues and decisions. By Kenneth A. Krupat.
Covers law, technology and social media for the Huffington Post.
Covers IP/IT law, with a strong focus on copyright and internet law. By Barry Sookman.
By the Criminal Lawyers' Association.
Provides legal commentary, opinions, and articles on criminal law.
Discusses news, cases, legislation and anything to do with Intellectual Property law.
By the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta.
Covers bankruptcy in Ontario, Canada. By Bankruptcy Ontario.
Covers British Columbia wills, trusts and estates law, elder law and estate litigation. By Stan Rule.
In-house counsel blawg on e-disovery, the impact of IT on the law and vice versa, information/knowledge management and wines. By Dominic Jaar.
Resources and personal experiences for students interested in law school.
Covers family law and collaborative team practice issues. By Galbraith Family Law.