October 2011 California Top Blawgs
Covers a wide range of business litigation issues in the Southern California area. By Sylvester, Oppenheim, & Linde.
Covers celebrity marriages, child custody, child support, divorce, paternity, prenuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, remarriage and taxes. By Jeffrey Lalloway.
Includes topics such as copyright litigation, licensing, patent litigation, TTAB, trademark applications, and trademark litigation. By Los Angeles, California intellectual property lawyer, Milord A. Keshishian.
Provides insights into business and intellectual property issues.
Features ideas and thoughts on servicing business clients as valued customers in American law firms. By Dan Hull.
Articles and comments by attorneys and legal scholars, and related legal news. From Michael Ginsborg.
News and comment on California insurance law, the politics of insurance, and other risky business. By George Wallace.
Covers California divorce, child custody, child support, child visitation, and paternity. By Clarke Logan Young.
Covers labor and employment law issues for employers. By Van Vleck Turner & Zaller.
Covers employment and business law in California. By Sayer Fausto LLP.
Covers land use, environmental, and real estate law in California.
Covers workplace harassment in California. By Bitton & Associates.
The Guru's meditations and musings on Immigration Law. By Larry Liem Doan.
Covers recent happenings in the world of environmental and climate change law. By Steven M. Taber.
Covers current immigration legal issues. By Jonathan D. Montag.
Covers Los Angeles personal injury and car accident information. By Robert B. Reeves.
Covers condo hotels, finance, land use, management agreements, and outlooks and trends. By Jim Butler of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP.
Covers California's Unfair Competition Law. By Kimberly A. Kralowec.
Covers tax controversies involving the IRS and California Franchise Tax Board, as well as California probate, estate planning matters and business transactions. By Mitchell A. Port.
Covers elder law and estate planning.