September 2011 Constitutional Law Top Blawgs
Covers the Supreme Court of the United States. By Bloomberg Law.
By Eugene Volokh, Dale Carpenter, David Kopel, David Bernstein, David Post, Erik Jaffe, Ilya Somin, Jim Lindgren, Jonathan Adler, Kevan Choset, Orin Kerr, Randy Barnett, Russell Korobkin, Sasha Volokh, Stuart Benjamin, Todd Zywicki & Tyler Cowen.
Blog of American and European Practitioners and Academics on European and American Constitutional Law (with an eye to the European Constitution), International Law, European Law, and Law and Philosophy.
Listen to lectures by and discussions with the faculty of the University of Chicago Law School.
Summaries and Commentary on Supreme Court Cases. From Tim Cone.
Covers First Amendment Issues. From the First Amendment Project.
Covers civil rights and constitutional law. From the ACLU.
By University of Miami law professor Michael Froomkin. Covers civil liberties, the Internet, Guantanamo, Iraq attrocities, politics and more.
This blog is dedicated to informing the general public, as well as attorneys and real estate professionals, about current condemnation and redevelopment procedures and their impact on private property. Published by William J. Ward of Carlin Ward.
Covers the First Amendment and public records. By Karl Olson.
Up-to-date information on real estate, construction, environmental, and land use law. By Sheppard Mullin.
By Steven D. Schwinn and Ruthann Robson.
By Yale Law School Professor Jack M. Balkin.
Covers constitutional law, criminal law, DUI, drugs, First Amendment and immigration. By Jon Katz, P.C.
The official Americans United blog on legislation and activities of lawmakers.
From the Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
From the National Constitution Center.
Legal news and analysis, with an emphasis on international and domestic intellectual property developments. By Shawn Sullivan.
Covers school law, special education, bullying, school discipline and school-related First Amendment rights.
Covers constitutional and legal issues in a non-lawyerly way. By David J. Shestokas.