September 2011 Ohio Top Blawgs
Covers directors and officers liability. By Kevin LaCroix.
Covers broker and realtor issues, construction and development, landords and tenants, and real estate taxation. By Kohrman Jackson & Krantz.
Provides family law and divorce information for Ohio families. By Holzfaster, Cecil, McKnight & Mues.
Comments on DUI law. By Dominy Law Firm, LLC.
Covers eminent domain issues in the States of Indiana, North Carolina and Illinois.
Covers estate planning.
By Mark Giangrande and Joe Hodnicki.
Provides commentary and analysis on cases going in front of the Supreme Court of Ohio. By Marianna Bettman.
Covers personal injury and accidents, DUI, criminal defense, bank side bankruptcy cases, creditors' rights, divorce and family custody, and estate planning. By Fessler Schneider & Grimme.
Reviews accounting, tax, and legal issues that face businesses and business owners in Ohio.
Covers laws and cases, with a focus on Cincinnati and Ohio. By the Cincinnati Law Library Association.
Informs local attorneys of major legal developments important to their practice. By Sue Altmeyer.
Legal information and research resouces. By the Michael E. Moritz Law Library at Ohio State University.
Provides updates and commentary on current employment law headlines and topics. By Kohrman Jackson & Krantz PLL.
By Kathy Hall, Melanie Putnam and Susan Schaefgen.
Focuses on recent Ohio workers' compensation caselaw and legislative developments. The blog also covers issues surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, and OSHA regulations. By Eric Rich of Scheuer, Mackin & Breslin LLC.
Covers Ohio Criminal Defense, DUI/OVI, and litigation. By Dearie, Fischer & Mathews LLC.
Covers public criminal justice and defense. By Luftman, Heck & Associates LLP.
Covers personal injury and workers compensation law.
Covers immigration law. By The Law Offices of Jeffrey C. Pettys.