April 2014 University of Kentucky College of Law Top Blawgs
Edited by Katharine Van Tassel, Jennifer S. Bard, Leslie Francis, Nicole Huberfeld, Mary Munson, David Orentlicher, Frank Pasquale, Nicolas P. Terry and Vickie Williams.
Edited by Stephen Clowney and Tanya D. Marsh.
Offers perspectives on judicial decisionmaking and the legal process. By Professors Jim Chen, Alfred Brophy, Stefanie Lindquist, R.J. Lipkin, Chad M. Oldfather, Lori A. Ringhand, and Elizabeth Weeks.
Covers federal and state laws and cases affecting non-profits. Edited by David A. Brennen, Darryll K. Jones, Johnny Rex Buckles, John D. Colombo, Susan N. Gary, Vaughn E. James, Thomas A. Kelley III, Lloyd H. Mayer, Nancy A. McLaughlin, Nicholas A. Mirkay, Karla W. Simon, Sophie E. Smyth, Alice M. Thomas, Elaine Waterhouse Wilson, and Miranda Perry Fleischer.