October 2014 University of Houston Law Center Top Blawgs
Covers federal and state laws and cases affecting non-profits. Edited by David A. Brennen, Darryll K. Jones, Johnny Rex Buckles, John D. Colombo, Susan N. Gary, Vaughn E. James, Thomas A. Kelley III, Lloyd H. Mayer, Nancy A. McLaughlin, Nicholas A. Mirkay, Karla W. Simon, Sophie E. Smyth, Alice M. Thomas, Elaine Waterhouse Wilson, and Miranda Perry Fleischer.
By the Center for Children, Law & Policy at the University of Houston Law Center.
Edited by Professors Gary S. Rosin, Bradley T. Borden, Thomas E. Geu, Elizabeth Miller, Douglas K. Moll and Donald Scotten.
Covers personal injury law in Houston, TX.