December 2015 Law Student Top Blawgs
Law school blog and podcast from Canada.
Covers how associates should approach the practice of law. By Keith Lee.
Features posts and occasional symposia about law and law school.
Provides information for lawyers on space sharing arrangements.
By the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review.
Covers bar exams. By BARBRI.
From the George Mason University School of Law.
Covers the quirks and quibbles in the law.
Covers emerging legal issues in IP, technology, commerce, and the arts. From the Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts.
Blog of a LL.M law student in the UK.
Blog written by two LLM students on contemporary human rights and civil liberties issues in the UK.
Featuring articles written by law students from across the United States.
Covers limited government, freedom, federalism and judicial restraint.
Covers property law, intellectual property/trademark law, and bankruptcy rulings.
Covers the law of tax exempt entities. By Jedediah Bodger.
Covers the First Amendment, democracy and design in the digital age. By New York Law School Professor Beth Simone Noveck and members of the First Amendment in the Digital Age Course at Stanford University.
Canadian law student blog.